ChickSafe Advance
Important installation notes:
The door must be attached to the opener BEFORE installing the batteries.
The door must be lifted and held in the open position before attaching the cord. The
ChickSafe is supplied with the cord wound in ready to be attached to the open door. It will
return to this position each time it opens.
When attaching the cord to the open door, make sure the cord is taut.
The door must have some free travel left above it (25mm/1 inch) when it is installed in its
open position. The ChickSafe has its own internal end-stop detection for when it is fully
open. It is supplied in the fully open position from the factory.
The door must stop against a solid surface at its closed position. The ChickSafe detects when
the weight of the door is no longer being supported on the cord and that lets the control
know the door is closed.
The distance the door moves between its closed position and open position must be no
greater than the maximum stated in the operating instructions. This is 400mm (15 inches) or
500mm (19 inches) depending on model. Check the installation instructions supplied with
your ChickSafe to ensure the stated distance is not exceeded. If the door moves down
through a greater distance the cord will wind back in again and the door will be open even
when the ChickSafe shows it is closed (double flashes of the LED light).
If the ChickSafe has been operated without the door fitted, or the cord has come free from
the door at any time it must be reset to the factory open position again before the open
door is attached to the cord.
Do not remove the knot in the cord that was tied there at the factory. This knot operates the
sensing device to stop the ChickSafe in the open position.
The door must be free to slide up and down with no obstructions. It must slide all the way
down under its own weight. The ChickSafe uses gravity to close the door.