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Страница 2: ...STORE NEAR THE APPLIANCE Country GB Installation instructions Heat recovery unit Renovent HR Medium Large ...
Страница 3: ...the power plug Connections dimensions Renovent HR Connections dimensions type Medium right hand version Connections dimensions type Medium left hand version Connections dimensions type Large right hand version Connections dimensions type Large left hand version 5 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 2 5 5 3 5 6 5 6 1 5 6 2 5 6 3 5 6 4 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 13 13 14 15 16 Putting into operation Switching...
Страница 4: ...sic diagram without bypass Basic diagram with bypass Wiring diagram with bypass Wiring diagram without bypass Wiring diagram connection preheater to Renovent HR without option pcb 9 9 1 9 2 9 3 9 4 9 5 29 29 30 31 32 33 Service Exploded view Renovent HR Medium Large Service articles 10 10 1 10 2 34 34 34 Appendixes Declaration of conformity 35 35 Chapter Page ...
Страница 5: ...ol equipment has been mounted and checked in the factory On installation the appliance must be connected to the air ducts the condensate discharge the mains supply and the multiple switch 7KH LQVWDOOHU FDQ FKDQJH WKH GHVLUHG DLU ÀRZ IRU HYHU VHWWLQJ with the aid of the control panel on the appliance See Chapter 4 for a detailed description 4 The possibilities of the Renovent HR can be extended usi...
Страница 6: ...he duct connections 7KH ULJKW KDQG YHUVLRQ KDV WKH OWHU GRRU RQ WKH ULJKW KDQG VLGH RI WKH DSSOLDQFH DQG WKH OHIW KDQG DSSOLDQFH KDV WKH OWHU GRRU on the left hand side of the appliance It is possible to convert a right hand appliance into D OHIW KDQG RQH 7KH OWHU GRRU FDQ EH PRYHG WR the left hand side by reversing the appliance ex changing front and rear covers and moving the display Similarly a...
Страница 7: ...5 100 200 300 Permissible resistance ducts system Pa 15 31 31 66 64 138 8 17 31 59 67 128 Rated power W 18 20 32 38 70 90 20 21 53 60 121 149 Rated current A 0 13 0 14 0 22 0 26 0 49 0 59 0 2 0 42 0 60 0 9 1 09 RV ij 0 60 0 61 0 62 0 63 0 63 0 66 0 54 0 61 0 62 0 61 0 62 Noise capacity level Lw A Static pressure Pa 40 80 160 40 80 240 Housing emission dB A 28 5 38 46 5 32 42 52 5 Duct from dwelling...
Страница 8: ...vent HR Medium 5677 A Note The value stated in the circle is the capacity per fan in Watt Note The value stated in the circle is the capacity per fan in Watt Flow rate m3 h respectively Resistance ducts system Pa Resistance ducts system Pa Fan graph Renovent HR Large 5678 A Flow rate m3 h respectively ...
Страница 9: ...eding through power cable 230 Volt 7 OpenTherm connection Two pole connector for OpenTherm control 8 Option pcb non standard Contains various additional control inputs and outputs for provisions such as a pre heater a postheater two control valves CO2 sensor H2 O sensor and emergency setting 9 Input fan Feeds fresh air into the dwelling 10 Basic pcb Contains the control electronics for the basic f...
Страница 10: ...meter decrease value OK Switching on and off settings menu manual IDXOW UHVHW OWHU LQGLFDWLRQ UHVHW Other commands can be entered with key combinations VHW FRQ UP SDUDPHWHU YDOXH F reset parameter value back to factory setting OK ON O switch on appliance OK OFF F switch off appliance Wherever this booklet states that a key has to be pressed the key in question is printed in quotation marks and in ...
Страница 11: ...YH If it is recommended to combine the discharge of the central heating and the Renovent HR appliance the Renovent con QHFWLRQ WR WKH MRLQW GLVFKDUJH PXVW EH SURWHFWHG ZLWK D ÀXH JDV safety valve The valve can directly be connected to this pcb Control for preheater up to 1000 W The preheater ensures that the input air is kept above 0 C so the Renovent HR can continue the balanced ventilation also ...
Страница 12: ...of at least 70 cm at the front of the appliance and a free headroom of 1 8 m IRU FOHDQLQJ WKH OWHUV DQG FDUU LQJ RXW PDLQWHQDQFH 1 8 m 5 3 Connecting ducts 7KH DLU RXWOHW GXFW GRHV QRW KDYH WR EH WWHG ZLWK D FRQWURO valve The appliance itself controls the air quantities To prevent condensation on the outside of the outside air input duct and the air output duct from the Renovent HR these ducts mus...
Страница 13: ...If the resi stance of the duct system is higher the maximum ventilation capacity will be lower The location of the mechanical ventilation output and the sewer stack vent relative to the input must be chosen to pre vent nuisance Choose the location of the input valves to prevent fouling and draught We recommend the use the Brink weak induc tive input dampers QVWDOO VXI FLHQW RYHUÀRZ RSHQLQJV GRRU J...
Страница 14: ...g below for an example of a connection to a drainpipe Pour water into the drip tray to create an air trap 5380 0 5 5 Electric connections The appliance comes with a 230 V mains plug 5 5 1 Connecting the multiple switch The multiple switch not supplied with the appliance is connec ted to the modular connector type RJ12 that is placed at the top RI WKH DSSOLDQFH 6HH JXUH EHORZ Dependent on the type ...
Страница 15: ...K ZLWKRXW OWHU LQGLFDWLRQ VZLWFK ZLWK VFUHZ connector 4 core cable one modular connector RJ11 4 LULQJ GLDJUDP ZD VZLWFK ZLWK OWHU LQGLFDWLRQ ZLWK PRGXODU FRQQHFWRU Note that for both modular connectors the tab must be mounted on the side of the mark on the modular cable LULQJ GLDJUDP ZD VZLWFK ZLWKRXW OWHU LQGLFDWLRQ E2075 E 7KH FRORXUV RI ZLUHV DQG WR UHVSHFWLYHO LQGLFDWHG LQ WKH GLDJUDPV DERYH P...
Страница 16: ...tage Always take the voltage from the appliance by pulling the mains plug when working on the ap pliance 5 5 2 Connecting the OpenTherm connector In combination with demand controlled ventilation the ap pliance can also be controlled with the OpenTherm protocol instead of as low voltage switch OpenTherm allows continu RXV DGMXVWPHQW RI WKH USP IRU WKH ÀRZ UDWH FRUH ORZ YROWD ge cable with a core d...
Страница 17: ...um right hand 3 1 A Top view B Front view C Side view D Bottom view E Electric connections F Detail wall mounting make sure to correctly place the rubber strip washers and caps G Connection condensate discharge I To dwelling II To atmosphere III From dwelling IV From atmosphere Extract Supply air Exhaust air out Supply air Extract Exhaust air out Supply air Extract Exhaust air out Supply air Fresh...
Страница 18: ... view B Front view C Side view D Bottom view E Electric connections F Detail wall mounting make sure to correctly place the rubber strip washers and caps G Connection condensate discharge I To dwelling II To atmosphere III From dwelling IV From atmosphere Supply air Extract Exhaust air out Fresh air inlet Supply air Extract Exhaust air out Fresh air inlet Supply air Supply air Exhaust air out Exha...
Страница 19: ... To dwelling To atmosphere From dwelling From atmosphere ...
Страница 20: ...ge left hand 2 2 5775 0 Renovent HR Large left hand 4 0 5779 0 Renovent HR Large left hand 3 1 A Top view B Front view C Side view D Bottom view E Electric connections F Detail wall mounting make sure to correctly place the rubber strip washers and caps G Connection condensate discharge I To dwelling II To atmosphere III From dwelling IV From atmosphere ...
Страница 21: ...When working on the appliance always take the voltage IURP WKH DSSOLDQFH E UVW VZLWFKLQJ LW RII WKURXJK VRIWZDUH and subsequently pulling the mains plug 6 2 Setting the air quantity The air quantity of the Renovent HR Medium Large for settings 1 2 and 2 have been adjusted in the factory at 100 150 200 and 225 300 m3 h The performance of the Renovent depends RQ WKH TXDOLW RI WKH GXFW V VWHP DV ZHOO...
Страница 22: ...ll EOLQN DV FRQ UPDWLRQ 7KH PRGL HG VHWWLQJ LV UHPRYHG The factory setting remains on the display Press key OK to go back to WKH VHWWLQJV PHQX LI UHTXLUHG several settings can now be PRGL HG VHH LWHP WR LQFOX sive Now continue with item 6 6 Press key F during 1 second to leave the settings menu 6 3 Other user settings In addition to the air quantities per setting the user can also adjust the follo...
Страница 23: ... I10 Constant pressure switched off Here it can be set whether in all cases the fans are running DW FRQVWDQW ÀRZ RU WKDW WKH VWDUW UXQQLQJ DW FRQVWDQW SUHV sure when a certain resistance is exceeded I11 Preheater or postheater This indicates whether a preheater or postheater is con nected is I12 Temperature preheater This sets the offset temperature preheater I13 Filter message 6HWV ZKHWKHU WKH OW...
Страница 24: ...y Press key F and OK 3 seconds Activate parameter set installer Press or Press key OK 1 second If no key is operated during 1 minute Press key OK 1 second If no key is operated during 1 minute Select parameters standard U1 U8 with option pcb n a U1 U8 Press OK 1 second to display the selected parameter setting Select parameters standard U1 U8 I1 I14 with option pcb U1 U8 n a I1 I19 P1 P17 Press OK...
Страница 25: ... calls up step no 7 see table be ORZ SUHVVLQJ NH FDOOV XS WKH LQVWDOOHU DQG XVHU GDWD DQG pressing key takes you back to step no 1 After 5 minutes this menu automatically disappears and the display will show the operational situation again Q WKH HYHQW RI DQ HUURU WKH HUURU FRGH DSSHDUV RQ WKH GLVSOD see also chapter 7 5422 0 3s User Step number Readout example Description Remark installer No 1 2 2...
Страница 26: ... key F and key OK du ring 3 seconds to activate the comprehensive installer parame ters set 3 The desired parameter can be found with the aid of keys and See table section 6 7 3 4 Pressing key OK calls up this setting 5 Use keys and to modify the value 7KH PRGL HG VHWWLQJ FDQ QRZ A be saved and stored B be removed C be restored to factory setting A Simultaneously press keys F and UVW SUHVV DQG WKH...
Страница 27: ... 18 30 22 U 8 Not applicable 0 1 0 off I 1 Fixed imbalance 100 100 0 I 2 No contact step 0 1 2 3 1 I 3 Not applicable 2 3 2 I 4 Switch line 1 step 0 1 2 3 1 I 5 Switch line 2 step 0 1 2 3 2 I 6 Switch line 3 step 0 1 2 3 3 I 7 Imbalance permissible 0 1 1 Yes I 8 Bypass mode 0 1 2 1 I 9 Hysteresis bypass 0 5 2 I10 Constant pressure switched off 0 1 0 no I11 Preheater or postheater 0 1 2 3 0 I12 Off...
Страница 28: ...roblem in question has been solved Then the appliance will reset itself auto reset and the display will once more show operational mode The table to section 7 3 gives an overview of the errors pos sible causes and the actions to be undertaken 7 2 Filter indication If the display shows the message FIL then this means the OWHUV KDYH WR EH FOHDQHG I D PXOWLSOH VZLWFK ZLWK OWHU LQGLFD tion has been mo...
Страница 29: ...eration Contact the installer Check the wiring from the sensor to the basic pcb Check the sensor connection to the wiring Replace the sensor F10 The temperature sensor that measures the temperature of the output air is defective The appliance operates as ex pected but the bypass is out of operation Contact the installer Check the wiring from the sensor to the basic pcb Check the sensor connection ...
Страница 31: ...ed with the optional bypass unit it must now be removed First remove the display see item 7 for appliance without bypass unit and unscrew the four hexagon socket bolts 0 SXOO WKH FRQQHFWRUV DQG WDNH WKH E SDVV XQLW IURP the appliance 5 Remove the heat exchanger Be careful not to damage the foam parts in the appliance 6 Clean the heat exchanger using hot water 55 C max and a regular detergent Rinse...
Страница 32: ...e appliance 14 Place the earth wire back and replace the connectors that were pulled 15 Mount the control panel 16 Place the heat exchanger back into the appliance 17 Place the front cover and if applicable the bypass unit back 3ODFH WKH OWHUV EDFN LQWR WKH DSSOLDQFH ZLWK WKH FOHDQ VLGH facing the exchanger ORVH WKH OWHU GRRU 20 Switch on the power supply 21 Switch off the appliance on the control...
Страница 33: ... 0 emergency OpenTherm connector Maximum 9 P input Fan output Fan indoor temperature sensor outdoor temperature sensor n c 230 Vac 50 Hz BASIC PCB RNV 04 n c control panel bedroom valve contact P1 contact P2 postheater OPTION PCB RNV 02 preheater bedroomvalve 24Vac 10 VA postheater ÀXH JDV YDOYH 24Vac 10 VA Preheater n c ...
Страница 34: ...ypass E2213 0 input fan output fan indoor temperature sensor outdoor temperature sensor BASIC PCB RNV 04 control panel emergency bedroom valve contact P1 contact P2 postheater OPTION PCB RNV 02 pre heater postheater ÀXH JDV YDOYH 24Vac 10 VA OpenTherm connector Maximum 9 P preheater bedroomvalve 24Vac 10 VA ...
Страница 35: ...9 E2214 0 1 Absence mode 2 Presence mode 3 Cooking showering mode C1 brown C2 blue C3 green yellow C5 white C9 red C10 yellow a 3 way switch B OpenTherm connector C Interior temperature sensor D Basic pcb E Input fan F Output fan G Control panel H Atmospheric temperature sensor J Option pcb not mounted as standard ...
Страница 36: ...r D Basic pcb E Input fan F Output fan G Control panel H Atmospheric temperature sensor J Option pcb not mounted as standard K Valve control device sliding grate only for bypass ex factory L Valve control device bypass valve only if bypass is mounted M Bypass pcb not mounted as standard Chapter 9 Electric diagrams C1 brown C2 blue C3 green yellow C4 black C5 white C6 no 1 C7 no 7 C9 red C10 yellow...
Страница 37: ...ovent HR without option pcb C1 brown C2 blue C3 green yellow C4 black A Heating coil B Maximum safety with manual reset C Connecting plug 230V50Hz D Cable to be connected by installer PD LPXP VDIHW OLJKWV XS ZKHQ DFWLYDWHG E2216 0 1RWH Parameter I11 must be set at 1 when connecting the preheater to WKH EDVLF SFE See section 6 4 ...
Страница 38: ...ovent HR Medium Large No Article description Article code 1 Filter kit standard version 531101 Filter kit version with bypass 531286 2 Fan Medium 531496 Fan Large 531565 3 Basic pcb Medium 531566 Basic pcb Large 531567 4 Temperature sensor 531451 5 Heat exchanger or 531107 Heat exchanger with grid only for factory mounted bypass 531453 6 Control panel with display 531452 0RGL FDWLRQV UHVHUYHG ULQN...
Страница 39: ... satisfy the machine directive 89 392 EEC the low voltage directive 73 23 EEC the materials directive ROHS 2002 95 EC and the EMC directive 89 336 EEC Brink Climate systems B V warrants that the Renovent HR Medium Large heat recovery appliances are manufactured from high quality materials and that continuous quality control ensures that they comply with the above directives Brink Climate Systems B...
Страница 40: ...Systems B V R D Bügelstraat 3 7951 DA Staphorst PO box 24 7950 AA Staphorst Netherlands Tel 31 522 46 99 44 Fax 31 522 46 94 00 info brinkclimatesystems nl www brinkclimatesystems nl 611497 2nd edition Augustus 2007 ...