4500W Portable Generator
Read this Operator’s Manual and safety rules before operating your generator.
Compare the illustrations with your generator to familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
12 Volt DC,10 Amp Receptacle — Recharge a discharged 12 Volt
automotive type battery through this receptacle.
120 Volt AC, 20 Amp GFCI Duplex Receptacles — May be
used to supply electrical power for the operation of 120 Volt AC,
20 Amp, single phase, 60 Hz electrical, lighting, appliance, tool and
motor loads.
120/240 Volt AC, 30 Amp Locking Receptacle — May be
used to supply electrical power for the operation of 120 and/or
240 Volt AC, 30 Amp, single phase, 60 Hz electrical, lighting,
appliance, tool and motor loads.
Air Cleaner — Protects engine by filtering dust and debris out
of intake air.
Choke Lever — Used when starting a cold engine.
Circuit Breakers (AC) — Push to reset circuit breakers are
provided to protect the generator against electrical overload.
Data Tag – Provides model, revision and serial number of
generator. Please have these readily available if calling for assistance.
Engine Switch — Set this switch to "On" before using recoil
starter. Set switch to "Off" to switch off engine.
Fuel Tank — Capacity of seven (7) U.S. gallons.
Fuel Valve — Used to turn fuel supply on and off to engine.
Grounding Fastener — Consult your local agency having
jurisdiction for grounding requirements in your area.
Idle Control Switch — The idle control runs the engine at
normal (high) speeds when there is a load present and runs the
engine at idle (low) speeds when a load is not present.
Maintenance Minder — Alerts you to change the oil and
service the air filter when needed.
Oil Fill — Add engine oil here.
Recoil Starter — Used to start the engine.
Spark Arrester Muffler — Exhaust muffler lowers engine noise
and is equipped with a spark arrester screen.
120 Volt AC, 20 Amp GFCI
Duplex Receptacles
Fuel Tank
Choke Lever
Recoil Starter
Engine Switch
Breakers (AC)
120/240 Volt AC,
30 Amp
Spark Arrester Muffler
Air Cleaner
Oil Fill
Idle Control Switch
Maintenance Minder
12 Volt DC,10 Amp
Fuel Valve
Data Tag