Mag 15 Power Supply
15 is a linear power supply intended to provide up to 600 Watts of power for model railroads,
and accessories
There are three outputs from the MAG
the primary output is a 20V regulated DC output, this can be used as a power source for
other power controllers such as the Bridgewerks Mag
Mate, or UR
15, or for third party
control systems such as DCC systems.
There is an unregulated, 12V output from the power supply,
There is a 24V AC output
Overload Protection:
In the event of an overload, the circuit is protected by a resettable fuse on the back of the unit. If it trips,
turn off the power, wait for a few minutes, remove whatever caused the overload, then press the button
on the back of the unit to reset the fuse, and turn on the power again.
Use heavy gauge wire to connect your power controller to the track. For distances of up to 15 feet,
you should use 12 gauge wire. For distances over 15 ft, you use 10 gauge wire. Although the track
itself is similar to a very heavy gauge wire, in larger layouts, significant loss can occur from the
connections between sections of track. To improve this, run multiple power connections to the
track from the controller and/or use track clamps rather than slider type couplers. In outdoor
layouts which are exposed to extreme temperatures, the track will expand and contract as the
temperature changes, and slider type couplers may have to be used.
Outdoor operation
Garden railways are often installed outdoors and Bridgewerks controllers are built to be used with
outdoor railroad layouts. However, they are not waterproof, and as with any electronic equipment,
they should not be left outdoors when not in use.
To make this easy, the connections are all made so
that they can simply be unplugged and the controller can be carried indoors.