recommended raking speed is 8 mph (13 km/h),
depending on
field conditions. Rougher land and heavier windrows require slower operation.
This will prevent damage to the rake wheels, and ensure that hay is picked up
properly. For faster operation, it is recommended that rake wheel spring tension
is increased to prevent bouncing of the tines.
Optimum rake performance is achieved when the rake wheels are lightly
scratching the ground. If the spring tension is set too heavy, premature rake tine
damage will occur. If tension is too light, the hay will not be properly picked up.
If the tension in the spring arms needs to be adjusted there are a number of ways
to accomplish this. The first is by moving the threaded rod adjusters. The
threaded rod adjusters are located at the rear end of each rake arm and are
directly attached to the lift rod cylinder. By adjusting the bolts attached to the rod
adjusters the tension in all the springs of that rake arm are adjusted evenly. To
increase tension, increase rod length, as shown below. To decrease tension,
decrease rod length.
If the spring tension in only one spring needs to be adjusted then the
adjustment can be done on the individual spring. There are two nuts near the end
of the spring that allow the spring to be loosened or tightened.
Adjust Spring
Tension Here