29 - MDF-A (Display Method Group A)
This menu item allows you to choose how you would like the channel information
(Frequency, Name, etc) displayed. The menu options are:
VFO: Displays channel frequency.
CHANNEL: Displays PC programmed channel name and number.
VFO.CH: Displays channel number and channel frequency.
30 - MDF-B (Display Method Group B)
Operation is the same as menu item 29.
31 - CA TONE (Calling Tone)
This menu item allows for the selection of one of five different Calling Tone(s) to be placed
at the beginning of the radio transmission.
The radio supports voice prompts upon numeric key presses and power up. This menu item
allows for turning this feature ON/OFF and having voice prompts in either English or Chinese.
When VOX is turned ON, this menu item allows for programming the duration the radio
stays keyed in seconds after no longer hearing voice. The choices are: 0.5s, 1.0s, 1.5s,
2.0s, 2.5s, and 3.0s
34 - PTT.ID
The PTT ID menu item allows for choosing when the pre-programmed PTT ID is sent during
PTT. The PTT ID is set up using the PC based radio programmer. The PTT ID can be sent at
the beginning of the transmission (BOT), end of the transmission (EOT), or both (BOTH).
The type of signaling sent is DTMF or 2-TONE and is programmed using menu item 38.
When DTMF is chosen, the DTMF tab in the programmer is used to set the parameters: