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Wireless Security Information
Wireless networking, like any radio signal that travels through the air, can be intercepted by
other devices. Here is how to protect the information that travels over the wireless network:
1. Change the default wireless network name (SSID)
The name of the wireless network is called a Service Set Identifier (SSID) and was set
by the factory. The router has three SSIDs (see Features for information about the
SSIDs). Consider changing the network name to something unique to make sure it is
not the same as other wireless networks that the router may detect in the area. Do not
use personal information because others with will be able to see that when searching
for a wireless network.
2. Set a username and password
When setting up the router for the first time, no username or password is assigned to
the router. To keep the router safe from hackers, set a username and password. See
Router Auto Login for information on setting a username and password.
3. Hide
the Router’s Network Name (SSID)
Hide the network name (SSID) so people who are not on the network cannot see it in
their list of available networks. To hide the SSID:
a. Select the
menu option.
b. Click
c. Select the
button next to SSID Broadcast.
d. Click
Save Changes
General Network Security Guidelines
Password-protect all computers on the network and individually password protect
sensitive files.
Change passwords on a regular basis.
Install anti-virus software and personal firewall software.
Disable file sharing (peer-to-peer). Some applications may open file sharing without the
user’s consent and/or knowledge.
Additional Security Tips
Keep the router away from exterior walls and windows.
Use strong passphrases that are at least eight characters in length. Combine letters
and numbers to avoid using standard words that can be found in the dictionary.