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STEP 3: Assembly of your soft serve ice
cream maker

1. Connect the main body to the base: Lower

and slot the main body into the base. 

2. Connect the paddle & tap to the main body,

by pushing the tap up into the main body
and twisting it anticlockwise to lock it
securely in place. See fig 5.

3. Attach the whisk to the motor: Slot the end

of the whisk into the location. See Fig 6.

4. Remove the canister from the freezer. Discard

the plastic bag from the canister and seat the
canister into the main body. See fig 7.


The canister must be used

immediately after being removed from the
freezer. Do not leave to warm up.

5. Connect the motor and whisk to the main

body: Slot the two motor pins into the
location slots in the main body and lower
the whisk into the canister.

6. Lock the lid in place: Slot the lid over the

main body. See fig 8.

7. Connect the soft serve maker into a suitable

power outlet and then turn the power on at
the mains outlet. Switch the unit on using
the ON/OFF switch. Ensure that the power
cord doesn’t over hang the work surface. 


8. With the whisk now rotating, slowly pour

the pre-prepared recipe into the canister via
the feeder tube.  

CAUTION: Do not place hands or
utensils into the canister while the whisk
is rotating.

9. The volume of the soft serve ice cream will

increase during the freezing/ churning
process. It is important not to over fill the
canister with ingredients i.e. the level of
ingredients once added to the canister should
be well below the MAX line i.e. maximum
quantity that should be added is 600mls.

10. Allow the soft serve ice cream maker to

churn the ice cream mixture until the
desired consistency is achieved. The length
of time the ingredients are left to churn
affects the consistency the final ice cream. 

• For very soft set ice cream leave the soft

serve ice cream maker to churn the
ingredients for 15 minutes before dispensing. 

• For a standard set of soft serve ice cream,

leave the soft serve ice cream maker to
churn the ingredients for 20 minutes before

• For a firm set of the ice cream, leave the soft

serve ice cream maker to churn the
ingredients for 25 minutes before dispensing.

This means that you can tailor make
your perfect soft set ice cream!

Please note,

that the set of the ice cream

may affect the speed at which the ice cream is
dispensed. Firmer set ice cream may take
slightly longer to dispense than very soft set ice

NOTE: Turning the appliance off while in
operation may cause the mixture to
freeze and restrict the movement of the

11. To dispense the ice cream into a cone,

simply lift the paddle into the raised position
and ice cream will be extruded from the
dispensing tap into your cone or bowl. It is
not necessary to hold the paddle in position. 


The first few drops of ice cream may

not be frozen. This is normal.

12. When all the ice cream has been dispensed

switch off the appliance using the On/Off

fig 9

fig 5

fig 6

fig 7

fig 8

Feeder Tube

Slot this end of the

whisk into the motor
