storks fly to Africa every year for hibernation. However, there are many
birds that remain at a fixed location all year. These are for example: Spot-
ted woodpecker, Titmouse, Blackbird, Bluebird, all kinds of finches, mag-
pie, robin, siskin and sparrow. These birds are called „sedentary birds“.
The birds try to don‘t move much in winter. To move, they need a lot of
energy that they can only find through the food. They need fat that they
can find in seeds of sunflowers or seeds of millet.
In the spring (April-May) one should start sowing the seeds up to 2 cm
The seeds should be sown at a distance of 40 cm. In the first year, regular
irrigation is mandatory (attention, dammed-up water).
Germination time: 10-15 days
Heyday period: July to September
In the spring (April-May) one should start sowing the seeds up to 2 cm
The seeds should be sown at a distance of 40 cm. In the first year, regular
irrigation is mandatory (attention, dammed-up water).
Germination time: 10-15 days
Heyday period: July to September
In the spring (April-June) you should start sowing the
seeds up to 2 cm deep. The peanut grows at temper-
atures between 18 °C and 40 °C. Water regularly. Af-
ter flowering, the plant stem must penetrate the soil to
develop nuts. Keep well moist and spray regularly. Af-
ter 12-15 weeks the first peanuts can be harvested.