Volledige bedieningshandleiding 2
© Bredenoord 2017
Emergency stop!
Danger of burns! Hot parts
Beware! This machine can start automatically!
Beware: ventilator
This sticker refers to this manual:
It is not permitted to make adjustments in the control panel other than by a qualified electrician. In
all other cases only allow the installation to be adjusted by an employee of Bredenoord Aggregaten.
When you make adjustments yourself or have adjustments made, the firm Bredenoord Aggregaten
B.V. is not in any way responsible for possible damage as a result of incorrect installation of the
Switching safe
Before working on the ESaver, the ESaver first has to be switched safe. The procedure for making an electric
installation voltage free depends on the installation, for this please contact the owner of the installation.
The ESaver is only permitted to be operated, serviced, maintained and connected by qualified and
adequately trained personnel that are authorized by the customer.
Always switch the ESaver safe when you want to work on the ESaver.
To prevent the ESaver from (automatically) starting the following should be done.
Make sure the ESaver isn´t running and switch off the controls.
When you work on or near electric conductors always check that these are not under voltage,
according to the applicable electrical requirements. After this also check the used meter for correct
functioning. With emergency generators also take account of possible voltage from the grid.
Always place warning signs and/or padlocks so that no one will start the ESaver while you´re working
on it. Provide a safety zone around the machine of about 3 meters to block entry of third parties and
unauthorized persons.