Battery Care
Check the running time of your system regularly.
Always make sure batteries are fully charged before use.
The battery should be recharged as soon as possible after use.
This type of battery does not suffer from the memory effect that is widely talked
about and does not need to be fully discharged before charging.
Batteries like to be used. A new battery may require several charge/discharge
cycles before it reaches its maximum performance. The same applies to a battery
that is only used occasionally with long periods in storage.
If you have more than one external battery, use them in rotation.
If you are in doubt regarding the state of charge, charge for at least 24 hours.
Battery Life
The battery will deteriorate due to age and usage. It is not possible to predict the
ageing. The life span of the battery will depend on a number of factors, including:-
Age, number of charge cycles, depth of discharge, charge and discharge
An internal battery that is not used will age prematurely.
An internal battery that is heavily used will age gradually and lose its capacity.
An internal battery that is moderately used will last longest It has been designed
to be used.
When a battery is towards the end of its life, the run times will be much shorter.
This is why it is important to carry out a run time check regularly.
The end of life is defined by the maximum running time falling to 75% of that of a
new battery (refer to the Battery Testing section.)
Service life is 2 years under normal operating conditions. Replace the battery
when running times drop below those indicated or after 2 years.
If the battery icon remains RED after several hours charging there may be a fault
with the battery of the ventilator.
Battery Storage
This type of battery is best stored partly charged.
A battery that is not in use will slowly discharge. This rate of discharge increases
with temperature.
Optimal storage temperature is between -20
C and +20
C. It must be below
After storage in a cold environment allow 24 hours for the battery to reach room
temperature before use.
Fully charge the battery before use.