Set Up Instructions for Brantz International Range of Tripmeters
Wiring (Not Applicable of you are using your meter in conjunction with a BR57 & BR45/BR47):
Connect up to the vehicles 12 volt power supply as directed by the label on the BLACK POWER CABLE coming out of the
base of the tripmeter or Plug Kit (BR43). This is BROWN to the POSITIVE Terminal and GREEN/YELLOW to the NEGATIVE
Connect straight to the vehicles battery posts
via a 2 Amp fuse
(Not Provided - Available from Brantz) on the live wire,
usually the BROWN on +12V cars, however on Positive Earth vehicles it is customary to fit the fuse to the live
The Sensor is connected to the GREY CABLE coming out of the base of the tripmeter as directed by the separate sensor
instruction sheet showing how to wire the exact type of sensor you have chosen.
The Tripmeter is calibrated to be accurate on any vehicle fitted with any type of Brantz Sensor and using any wheel size or
gearing by means of the three push-wheel switches marked 'CALIBRATION'.
If the Tripmeter is to measure in hundredths of a Kilometre/Mile the push-wheel switch needs first to be set to
At the start of an accurately measured Kilometre/Mile, press the Zero button to ensure the counter reads 00.00.
Drive the measured distance and stop accurately at the end of the distance – Note the figure that comes up on the readout.
(This is the Calibration Figure for this particular vehicle)
Enter this figure into the calibration push-wheel switches on the front of the tripmeter. e.g. If the readout is 05.67 set the
push-wheel switches to 567. N.B. If the readout is greater than 09.99 a
Pre-Scaling Interface (BR5)/Dividing Pre-Scaler (BR5-
is required – please contact us on 0044 (0) 1625 669366 or Email:
The accuracy can be confirmed by re-running the measured distance from zero, the meter should read exactly 01.00
If several wheel sizes and gearings are available for the vehicle; repeat the calibration procedure for each combination and
note down the different calibration figures.
Operating Instructions for Brantz International 1 Tripmeters (BR13)
The tripmeter is switched on by use of the switch on the base of the tripmeter.
When the switch is moved from position '0' to the 'I' position the meters digits will light up. N.B. A battery charger is not a
suitable power source to test the tripmeter.
The red push-button on the front of the tripmeter marked 'ZERO' when pressed zero's the readout.
The small toggle switch
on the front of the tripmeter marked 'Count +'/'Count –' allows the tripmeter to count upwards or
For Long Distance events
the decimal place can be shifted from 00.00 to 000.0, by the following method:
With the tripmeter OFF; hold down the Red Zero button and switch the tripmeter ON.
The tripmeter will return to it's default 00.00 when the unit is switched Off and On again.
Operating Instructions for Brantz International 2 Pro Tripmeters (BR6)
The tripmeter is switched on by use of the switch on the base of the tripmeter.
When the switch is moved from position '0' to the 'I' position the meters digits will light up. N.B. A battery charger is not a
suitable power source to test the tripmeter.
The RED button on remote reset box, when pressed will Zero the INTERMEDIATE DISTANCE readout.
The upper toggle switch
on the front of the tripmeter marked 'Freeze Total'/'Zero Total' has 3 positions and will normally be
in the middle position.
If the switch is pushed UP the TOTAL DISTANCE readout will be FROZEN, when the switch is returned back to the
middle position the readout out will continue from the Frozen value.
(This facility is useful if the competitor wishes
to correct (Pre-Set) the Total Distance readout to a value that he knows should be displayed at a certain point on the
road. The readout can be unfrozen at this point on the road so that the correct value is displayed from this point on.
This facility is also useful if the Total Distance readout is too high; the readout can be frozen and then the vehicle
driven without the displayed value increasing).
If the switch is momentarily switched DOWN this will Zero the TOTAL Readout.
The lower toggle switch
on the front of the tripmeter marked 'Count +'/'Count –' allows the tripmeter to count upwards or
The STEP control knob
is to edit the TOTAL DISTANCE readout value. Turning the knob clockwise a click will be felt and the
TOTAL DISTANCE readout will start to count either up or down depending on the position of the Count +/Count – toggle
(This facility is useful to align the Total readout value to any given value , say, by the organisers handbook at a certain
The STEP control can be used with the FREEZE switched ON.
The STEP control should normally be in the off position that is turned fully anti-clockwise until a click is felt.
For Long Distance events
the decimal place can be shifted from 00.00 to 000.0, by the following method: