100-214-276 Rev. 3
Chapter 2: Introduction to the 2000X aed Actuator
Glossary of Terms
Control Limits:
Additional parameters that determine the end of the ultrasonic portion of the
cycle and the move to the hold state.
The device that converts electrical energy into mechanical vibrations at a high fre-
quency (an ultrasonic rate). The Converter is a central component of the welding system and is
mounted in the Actuator.
A record of the number of cycles run by category, for example, alarms, good parts,
and so on, recorded in the Controls.
Digital Filter:
A smoothing technique used to provide more meaningful data.
Down Speed:
The user-definable speed of descent (percentage of maximum speed) during the
down stroke of the Actuator.
Energy Mode:
A mode of operation in which ultrasonics are terminated at a user-specified
energy value.
External Amplitude Control:
Enables you to access real-time amplitude control directly.
External Frequency Control:
Enables you to access real-time frequency control directly.
Form Feed:
When using a printer with the 2000Xd Power Supply to capture weld data, you can
insert a form feed after print setup, print graph, or after reaching the number of lines per page.
The operating frequency of the ultrasonic stack. The frequency stored is measured
at the end of the ultrasonic portion of the cycle (when ultrasonics are terminated).
Freq End:
The frequency at the end of the ultrasonic portion of the welding cycle (when ultra-
sonics are terminated).
F Actual:
The actual running frequency of the acoustic system.
F Memory:
The frequency stored in the Power Supply memory.
Frequency Offset:
An offset factor applied to the ultrasonic frequency stored in the Power Sup-
General Alarm:
An alarm that occurs due to system fault and/or tripping a limit.
Ground Det. Cutoff:
Ground Detect Cutoff. Immediately
terminates the weld process, includ-
ing the hold step, when a ground detect has occurred.
Gnd Det. Mode:
Ground Detect Mode, available in all models of 2000X power supplies. In this
mode of operation, ultrasonics are terminated after detection of a ground condition between the
horn and fixture or anvil.
Hold Force:
The force on the part during the hold portion of the cycle.
Hold Time:
The duration of the hold step.
Horn Down:
A mode in which ultrasonics are locked out and the user can advance the Actuator
for setup and alignment.
Linear Encoder:
Provides carriage (horn) distance measurement during the Actuator cycle.
Lines per Page:
When using an optional Printer, the number of welds per printed page.
S-Beam Load Cell:
Provides force measurement for accurate ultrasonic triggering and graphing
of force.
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