Ethernet Analogue DIO
Product Manual V1.3
© Copyright Brainboxes Ltd
Page 48 of 100
In the value column is the value which is read from each of the analogue lines. This is the same value that is
displayed on the Home page and is adjusted according to the FSR and Data Format settings. The value is
User Calibrated
Indicates which FSR range of the channel has been calibrated by the user and which channels have the factory
calibration. A channel with “No” is using the factory calibration for the current FSR and channels with “Yes”
have been calibrated by the user.
The calibrate button allows you to calibrate a specific channel of your ED device at the Full Scale Range that
the channel is set to. The channel has to be calibrated for each FSR separately. You can look at the “User
Calibrated” channel to see which channels and FSR’s have been calibrated manually and which are at the
factory calibration.
Before you calibrate a channel the FSR needs to be set to the correct value. Once the FSR is set follow the
steps below to calibrate a channel.
Note: The following steps have the FSR set to
Click the “Calibrate” link on the channel that you want to calibrate and the following dialogue box will
Apply the zero calibration voltage specified in the dialogue box to the channel and then press “Next”. In
this case the zero calibration voltage will be 0V.