PCI Photon 8 Port RS232 Software Installation
Chapter 3 Page 35
Changing Serial Port Settings
Adding a Photon 8 Port RS232 Card to the system automatically
sets default values for communications settings to 9600 Baud, 8
Data Bits, No Parity and 1 Stop Bit.
To view the settings of a port, select it from the main dialogue,
then click on Settings. Clicking on Port Settings from the
resulting dialogue opens up the following window.
Settings available in this window are:
1. Baud Rate - determines the baud rate at which the selected
port operates, providing it is not overridden by any serial
comms applications in use. PCI Photon 8 Port RS232 will
operate correctly up to 230,400 baud at distances of up to 10
Note: Many serial comms applications will not actually
register the ports as running at baud rates of above 115200.
2. Data Bits.
3. Parity.
4. Stop Bits.
Change to suit remote device.