fixing system
If the fixing system used is standard, the corresponding
reference letter is not inserted in the part reference.
For instance, the part reference T11 refers to a transformer
with standard fixing system, whereas the part reference T11/B
corresponds to a T11 transformer with different fixing system
(see table 1, type B).
The transformers of this series can have the same electric
features but different fixing systems, or vice versa.
Figures 1 and 2 show the main overall dimensions and Table
1 the various transformers fixing systems.
The high voltage isolators employed in this series of
transformers are of two different types, according as the
connection with high voltage cables occurs by means of a
screw, 4 mm diameter cylindrical terminal or of a 6.3 mm
diameter cylindrical terminal.
If not expressly mentioned, the connection terminal used is
a screw terminal. The insulators are made of PBT.
- Connect and disconnect the ignition transformer only after
switching off the power supply.
- Respect the applicable national and European standards
(e.g. EN 60355-1 / EN 50165) regarding electrical safety.
- Make sure that the earth of the transformer and the earth of
the electric system are well connected.
- The device can be mounted in any position.
- Do not put high voltage cables next to other cables.
- Guarantee a protection degree suitable to the application.
T11/… - T13/…
Figure 1
T16/… - T17/…
Figure 2
Noise shield
Magnetic shunt
Alimentation cable
primary coil
magnetic circuit
secondary coil
Noise shield
Magnetic shunt
Alimentation cable
primary coil
secondary coil
magnetic circuit