BPW-BA-iGurt 37842001e
Page 4
Please observe the following safety instructions in order to avoid damage to persons or property. Improper use and
failure to observe usage and safety instructions may result, among other things, in damage to or loss of cargo,
other damages to property, risks to other road users, traffi
c accidents and personal injuries. The iGurt is an infor-
mation system and is currently not exempt from statutory provisions.
• Keep the device away from heat and open fl ames.
• Avoid dropping the device.
• Aside from the detachable parts (locking bolts, battery compartment lid and batteries), do not take the device
• Only use original parts and kits from BPW (iGurt replacement parts) or qualifi ed partners (lashing straps). Only
use the recommended tools, as described in the corresponding BPW instructions.
• When using the iGurt, only use lashing straps which are specifi cally designed and designated for use with the
iGurt. These lashing straps are explicitly labelled as being compatible with the iGurt and may be obtained from
BPW or other qualifi ed partners.
Note: in accordance with VDI guidelines, the fi xed and loose ends of a lashing strap set must always be used
together. Exchange the whole set periodically in order to avoid risks caused by wear and tear to the lashing strap.
• Please note the instructions listed in Section 4 regarding the proper installation of the iGurt on the lashing strap.
The tensioning force sensor can only be secured in the designated area ("iGurt here").
• The use of the iGurt is not exempt from statutory provisions and the sole responsibility for proper, appropri-
ate and suffi
cient load securing. The iGurt is only a support system and is not a replacement for accurate load
securing. It is both the driver's and the loading agent's sole responsibility to ensure that a load has been ap-
propriately secured, even if the iGurt system does not display any warnings, alarms or errors. Always check the
tension of the lashing straps yourself and ensure that are properly installed and that there is a suffi
cient number
for the load.
• The iGurt system does not indicate a correct, minimum or required tensioning force. The appropriate amount of
adjusted tensioning force always depends on the loading situation; you must calculate this yourself. Too low of a
tensioning force could result in the load not being secured suffi
ciently, too high of a tensioning force could lead
to damages to the load. Both cases could result in damages to property or persons.
Note: the minimum required tensioning force fundamentally depends on the mass of the load, the number of
lashing straps used per load, the friction between the load and the loading area and the angle of the lashing
• Before departure, make sure that the iGurt has not been damaged and that the locking bolt is fully inserted and
• The iGurt must not collide with parts of the load or the vehicle in any loading situation in order to avoid dangers
or damages. If it cannot be guaranteed that collisions will not occur, dismount the iGurt and use the respective
lashing strap without the iGurt for this journey.
• When extracting the locking bolt in particular, make sure that there is nothing close to you in order to avoid colli-
sions due to sudden movements. There is a risk of injury if the hand and ratchet buckle collide.
• Only open the battery compartment lid using objects that are suitable for use as a lever tool to unfasten the bat-
tery compartment lid (e.g. one-pence or fi ve-pence piece) as there is a higher risk of injury if the snap-in clasp
hook is unfastened by hand (e.g. ripping or breaking of fi ngernails).
2 Safety