Tr ou ble sh oot in g
I f you have any problem using t he BY- WM4 Pro
com ponent s, use t he follow ing checklist . I f any problem
persist , please consult our local dealer, or cont act us
direct ly.
St at us
The unit s does
not t urn on.
The bat t eries
becom e drained
There is
no sound.
The sound
is w eak.
There is dist ort ion
in t he sound.
The bat t eries of BY- WM4 PRO
TX exhaust ed.
The Power LED of BY-WM4 PRO
RXD doesn’t light up while
connect ing wit h t he iOS devices.
The Power LED of BY-WM4 PRO
RXU doesn’t light up while
connect ing wit h t he Android
The BY- WM4 Pro com ponent s
is being used under ext rem ely
cold condit ions.
The BY- WM4 Pro com ponent s
is being used under ext rem ely
hot condit ions.
The t ransm it t er and receiver
are not in pairing m ode.
The bat t eries drain quickly under
ext rem ely cold condit ions.
The bat t eries drain quickly under
ext rem ely hot condit ions.
Please refer t o t he Connect ing
t he t ransm it t er and t he Receiver.
The input level of t he receiver
is low.
The input level of t he receiver
is inappropriat e.
Headphones w it h a m onaural
m ini j ack is used.
The input level of t he t ransm it t er
is low. Adj ust t he audio out put
level on t he t ransm it t er. Keep t his
level as high as possible w it hout
dist ort ion t o reach best Sound
and Noise Rat io.
Adj ust t he audio out put level on
t he t ransm it t er. Keep t his level
as high as possible w it hout
dist ort ion t o reach best Sound
and Noise Rat io.
Use t he headphones w it h a
st ereo m ini j ack.
There do not have a good
connect ion w it h t he lavalier.
There do not have a good
connect ion w it h t he earphone.
Please t ry t o reconnect it again.
Please t ry t o reconnect it again.
The receiver hasn’t get a w ell
connect ion w it h t he devices.
Please t ry t o reconnect it again .
Open t he audio/ video app on
m obile device, t hen t he indicat or
of receiver should be light up.
Replace t he bat t eries w it h
new ones.
Too m uch
am bience is
being picked up.
When using an om nidirect ional
m icrophone like t he one
included w it h t his syst em , t he
m icrophone m ay be picking up
t oo m uch am bience.
Make sure t he m icrophone is as
close as t o t he subj ect as possible.
Содержание BY- WM4 PRO
Страница 1: ...BY W M4 PRO Dual Channel Digital Wireless Microphone...
Страница 19: ...18 2 Push the cold shoe mount on the position 3 Mounted receiver onto camera hot cold shoe...
Страница 20: ...19 BY W M4 PRO RXD 2 4 GHz W ireless Receiver For iOS devices...
Страница 25: ...24 BY W M4 PRO RXU 2 4 GHz W ireless Receiver For Android and other Type C devices...