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Thank you for choosing B&W.

Please read this manual fully before unpacking
and installing the product. It will help you to
optimise its performance.

B&W maintains a network of dedicated
distributors in over 60 countries who will be able
to help you should you have any problems your
dealer cannot resolve.


(figure 1)

•Fold the carton flaps right back and invert 

the carton and contents.

•Lift the carton clear of the contents.

•Remove the inner packing from the product.

We suggest you retain the packing for future


(figures 2 & 3)

Mount the speakers on firm dedicated stands that
place the tweeters approximately at ear level.
Bookshelf mounting is possible but allows less
opportunity for optimising the sound. The stand
or shelf used can affect the sound quality of the
speaker. Ask your dealer for advice on the best
type for your needs.

As an initial guide (figure 2):

•Position the speakers and the centre of 

the listening area approximately at the 
corners of an equilateral triangle.

•Keep the speakers at least 1.5m apart 

to maintain left-right separation.

•Keep the speaker baffles at least 0.5m 

clear of walls.

Stray magnetic fields

The speaker drive units create stray magnetic
fields that extend beyond the boundaries 
of the cabinet. We recommend you keep
magnetically sensitive articles (television and
computer screens, computer discs, audio and
video tapes, swipe cards and the like) at least
0.5m from the speaker.


(figures 4 & 5)

All connections should be made with the
equipment switched off.

There are 2 pairs of terminals at the back of 
the speaker which permit bi-wiring if desired. 
On delivery, the separate pairs are connected
together with high-quality links for use with a
single 2-core cable. For single cable connection,
leave the links in place and use either pair of
terminals on the speaker (figure 4).

Ensure the positive terminal on the speaker
( and coloured red) is connected to 
the positive output terminal of the amplifier 
and negative (marked – and coloured black)

to negative. Incorrect connection can result in 
poor imaging and loss of bass.

To bi-wire, remove the links by loosening the
terminal caps and use a separate 2-core cable
from the amplifier to each pair of terminals. 
This can improve the resolution of low-level
detail. Observe the correct polarity as before. 
When bi-wiring, incorrect connection can also
impair the frequency response (figure 5).

Ask your dealer for advice when choosing
cable. Keep the total impedance below the
maximum recommended in the specification and
use a low inductance cable to avoid attenuation
of the highest frequencies.


Before fine tuning, double check that all the
connections in the installation are correct and

Moving the speakers further from the walls will
reduce the general level of bass. Space behind
the speakers also helps to create an impression
of depth. Conversely, moving the speakers closer
to the walls will increase the level of bass.

If the bass is uneven with frequency it is usually
due to the excitation of resonance modes in the
room. Even small changes in the position of the
speakers or the listeners can have a profound
effect on how these resonances affect the sound.
Try mounting the speakers along a different wall.
Even moving large pieces of furniture can have
an effect.

If the central image is poor, try moving the
speakers closer together or toeing them in 
so they point at or just in front of the listeners
(figure 3).

If the sound is too harsh, increase the amount 
of soft furnishing in the room (for example use
heavier curtains), or reduce it if the sound is 
dull and lifeless.

Test for flutter echoes by clapping your hands
and listening for rapid repetitions. Reduce them
by the use of irregular shaped surfaces such 
as bookshelves and large pieces of furniture.

Ensure the speaker stands are firm on the floor. 
If you have a carpet, use carpet-piercing spikes
and adjust them to take up any unevenness in
the floor.


The cabinet surface usually only requires dusting.
If you wish to use an aerosol cleaner, remove 
the grille first by gently pulling it away from 
the cabinet. Spray onto the cleaning cloth, not
directly onto the cabinet. The grille fabric may
be cleaned with a normal clothes brush whilst
the grille is detached from the cabinet.

Avoid touching the drive unit diaphragms,
especially the tweeter, as damage may result.



Nous vous remercions d’avoir choisi B&W.

Veuillez lire attentivement l’ensemble de ce
document avant de déballer et de raccorder
votre matériel. Il vous aidera à obtenir les
meilleurs résultats.

B&W entretient un réseau de distributeurs
officiels dans plus de 60 pays ; ils sont en
mesure de vous aider au cas où vous
rencontreriez des difficultés que votre revendeur
ne pourrait résoudre.


(figure 1)

•Repliez totalement les rabats du carton puis 

retournez l’emballage avec son contenu.

•Soulevez le carton pour le vider de 

son contenu.

•Retirez l’emballage intérieur.

Nous vous suggérons de conserver l’emballage
pour une utilisation ultérieure.


(figures 2 & 3)

Posez les enceintes sur des supports appropriés
afin que les tweeters se situent
approximativement à hauteur d’oreilles.
L’installation en étagères est envisageable 
mais réduit les possibilités d’optimisation sonore. 
Les supports ou étagères utilisés peuvent 
modifier la qualité de reproduction. Interrogez
votre revendeur afin de connaître le choix le 
plus judicieux.

A titre indicatif (figure 2) :

•Disposez les enceintes acoustiques ainsi 

que le centre de la zone d’écoute 
approximativement aux trois angles d’un 
triangle équilatéral.

•Ecartez vos enceintes d’au moins 1,5 m 

pour obtenir une séparation gauche/droite

•N’approchez jamais vos enceintes à moins 

de 0,5 m d’un mur.

Champs magnétiques parasites

Les moteurs de haut-parleurs émettent un champ
magnétique parasite qui rayonne au-delà des
limites de l’enceinte acoustique. Nous vous
recommandons d’éloigner les appareils sensibles
à ce type de rayonnements (téléviseurs et
moniteurs informatiques, disquettes informatiques,
bandes magnétiques audio ou cassettes vidéo,
cartes à puces etc.) à plus de 0,5 m du coffret
de l’enceinte.


(figures 4 & 5)

Toutes les connexions doivent être réalisées
lorsque les appareils sont éteints.

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Страница 11: ... σετε το εμπρ σθιο προστατευτικ κ λυμμα του ηχε ου μπ φλα τραβ ντας το ελαφρ απ τη καμπ να Ρ ξτε το καθαριστικ στο παν με το οπο ο θα καθαρ σετε το ηχε ο και χι κατευθε αν επ νω στην καμπ να Το φασμα της μπ φλας καθαρ ζεται αφο την αφαιρ σετε απ το ηχε ο με μ α απλ βο ρτσα ρο χων Αποφ γετε να αγγ ζετε τα μεγ φωνα και κυρ ως το μεγ φωνο υψηλ ν συχνοτ των tweeter γιατ μπορε να προκληθε ζημι 9 ...

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