2.2 Configuring WiFi Connection:
To connect to your local WiFi network for testing a complete connection, you’ll need to follow
these steps:
1. Power down the drone
2. Connect the USB-C cable from the XRD2 to the PC or Mac
3. Open or create the config.toml file using Notepad.
4. Add content to the file as shown, substituting your network name and password for the
placeholder values
network = "your network name"
password = "something super secure"
5. Save the file
6. Disconnect the USB-C from your computer
7. After the system is powered on, your device should be connected to the WiFi network
2.3 Installing a SIM card
Installing a SIM card is the only time it’s necessary to open the XRD2 enclosure. To open the
enclosure, remove all four screws, being careful not to strip them.
To easily access the SIM card slot, it’s recommended that
you gently lift the modem up from it’s socketed-seat, being
careful not to strain the two antenna cables. The modem is
seated using pins on both sides, and it can be easily
removed by gently lifting from side to side. Once the modem
is removed from the socket, simply install the Micro SIM
card, making sure that it’s fully pushed in. Once the SIM is
installed, line up the modem pins, and gently push the
modem back into position. Finally, reassemble the XRD2
and enclosure, and tighten the four corner screws, being
careful not to overtighten.