IROX-coated tip electrode—the tip electrode is coated with IROX (iridium
oxide) to increase the microscopic surface area.
Steroid-eluting—upon exposure to body fluids, the steroid elutes from the
lead to help reduce tissue inflammation response at the distal electrode.
The steroid suppresses the inflammatory response believed to cause
threshold rises typically associated with implanted pacing electrodes.
Lower thresholds are desirable because they can increase pacing safety
margins and reduce pacing energy requirements, potentially increasing
pulse generator longevity. The nominal dose and structure of the steroid
are listed in the specifications (Table 5 Specifications (Nominal) on page
Radiopaque suture sleeve—the radiopaque suture sleeve is visible under
fluoroscopy and is used to secure, immobilize, and protect the lead at the
venous entry site after lead placement. The window feature is designed to
aid compression of the sleeve onto the lead during suturing.
Tined—silicone rubber tines located proximal to the distal pacing electrode
provide fixation to the wall of the heart.
Lead body—the isodiametric lead body contains one conductor for pacing/
sensing. Dual-coil models have two conductors for defibrillation and
single-coil models have one conductor for defibrillation. The lead
conductors are coated and insulated in separate lumens within the silicone
rubber lead body. A second layer of silicone covers the lead body to
provide additional insulation and a uniform body diameter. A layer of
polyurethane covers the proximal area of the lead body to provide
additional abrasion protection in the implantation pocket. The suture
sleeve and terminal boot molding are fabricated from molded silicone
Lubricious coating—the lead has a proprietary coating that makes the
surface more lubricious. This reduces both the static and dynamic
coefficients of friction, and makes the lead feel and handle like
polyurethane while providing the reliability of silicone.
Stylet delivery method—the design consists of an open-lumen conductor
coil to enable lead delivery using a stylet. Refer to the stylet information
("Stylets" on page 13).
Related Information
Instructions in the lead manual should be used in conjunction with other
resource material, including the applicable pulse generator physician's manual
and instructions for use on any implant accessories or tools.
For additional reference information, go to www.bostonscientific-elabeling.com.
Refer to the ImageReady MR Conditional Defibrillation System MRI Technical
(MRI Technical Guide) for information about MRI scanning.
Available at www.bostonscientific-elabeling.com.