Phrase Edit Screens
Phrase(1, 2, or 3):One Shot
—This parameter determines how a phrase
plays back. When it’s set to:
—the phrase loops continuously.
—the phrase plays once and then stops. While a One
Shot phrase is playing, you can:
restart it from its beginning
—by pressing REC/PLAY/
make it loop continuously
—by pressing and holding REC/
Each phrase has a front-panel ONE SHOT indicator that lights when it’s
set for One Shot playback.
Audio can’t be overdubbed in a phrase when it’s set to ONE SHOT.
Phrase(1, 2, or 3):Reverse—
When this parameter is set to ON, the phrase
plays in reverse. Choose OFF for normal playback.
Each phrase has a front-panel REVERSE indicator that lights when
reverse playback is on.
Phrase(1, 2, or 3):Start—
This parameter determines what happens when
phrase playback is started. When it’s set to:
—the phrase starts playing at normal volume.
—the phrase gradually fades in until normal volume is
reached. The fade-in time is determined by the Patch:Fade In
Phrase(1, 2, or 3):Stop—
This parameter determines what happens when
phrase playback is stopped. When it’s set to:
—the phrase stops immediately.
—the phrase gradually fades out. When the volume
reaches 0, phrase playback stops. The fade-out time is determined
by the Patch:Fade Out setting.
—the phrase plays to its ending and then stops.
When a playing phrase is set to FADE OUT or LOOP END, selecting the
phrase and pressing the STOP pedal initiates the phrase’s stop behavior.
If desired, you can stop the phrase immediately with a second press
of the STOP pedal.
Phrase(1, 2, or 3):Level—
Set the phrase’s volume level, from 0-200, here.
You can also use the front panel PHRASE EDIT LEVEL knobs to set the
phrases’ volume levels.
Phrase(1, 2, or 3):Pan—
This parameter sets the phrase’s pan position in
its assigned output pair(s) and the PHONES jack. You can set the phrase’s
panning to any of the following values: L50-L1, CENTER, or R1-R50.
If you’re using the RC-50 with a mono amplification system and/or
you’re only using a mono output (MAIN OUTPUT R/MONO or SUB
OUTPUT R/MONO), the pan setting won’t have any audible effect on
the sound.
Phrase(1, 2, or 3):Tempo Sync—
When this parameter is set to ON, the
phrase plays at the current patch tempo. When it’s set to OFF, the phrase
plays at the tempo at which it was originally recorded.
To learn more about Tempo Sync, see the RC-50 Workshop booklet
Tempos and Tempo Sync
Phrase(1, 2, or 3):Output—
This parameter determines the output jacks
that the phrase is sent to. You can select MAIN, SUB, or MAIN+SUB.