General instructions for self-measurement
1. Fluctuations in blood pressure are
quite normal. Even when measure-
ments are repeated, there can be
marked differences. Single or irregu-
lar measurements do not provide re-
liable information about the actual
blood pressure. A reliable evaluation
is only possible if regular measure-
ments are taken under comparable
conditions and the measurement va-
lues are entered in the blood pressure
record card.
Self-testing does not mean self-
treatment. Do not on
change the dose of medicine prescri-
bed by your doctor of your own
3. Irregular heartbeats can affect the ac-
curacy of the monitor or result in in-
correct measurements (see page 59).
4. Incorrect measurements can also oc-
cur in patients with a weak pulse
(possibly in patients wearing a pace-
maker, for example). The blood pres-
sure monitor itself has no effect on
the pacemaker.
5. If you are pregnant, consult your
doctor before using the monitor.
medistar_S_1305sd.qxd 08.05.2013 10:19 Uhr Seite 46