6. Input/Limiter PCB Assembly
Refer to the Input/Limiter PCB Schematic Diagram, sheet 1 of 1 for the following.
The information inside the brackets [ ] is the schematic grid location on the sheet.
The Input/Limiter PCB assembly provides:
Input buffering for line level signals
Input short circuit and ESD protection
Power regulation for audio
Automatic gain change for balanced or unbalanced input signals
Hard clipping for very large transient signals
LED control
Cooling fan control
Under-voltage detection and ENABLE control for the power amplifier.
Gain Structure of the Input/Limiter PCB
The overall gain of the preamplifier pcb, when not limiting, is unity for unbalanced signals, and
-6 dB for balanced signals. It is designed to keep the steady-state signal output below approxi-
mately 0 dBV, and hard clip transients to about 5 V peak
Input Buffer
J1 [D1] and J2 [C1] are balanced TRS connectors to provide an input jack and a “pass-through”
parallel connection. D301 through D304 [D1 to D3] provide input short circuit protection and
ESD protection by clamping to the power supply rails. C307, C308, C316 and C330 [C/D1]
provide RF decoupling as well as additional ESD protection to the input. C364 through C367
[D1 to D3] are not installed on production units.
U301B [D3] is a Bessel filter with a relatively high input impedance of 40k Ohms. This input
impedance was selected to avoid low frequency roll-off with the PS1 power stand bass line
output used as an input. The PS1 has a relatively high impedance with a capacitance of 2.2 uF
in series with 560 Ohms.
Input: 2Vrms
(balanced cable)
Gain: 0 dB
Balanced to
1.5 Vdc nominal
from PS1 with
balanced cable
Detector threshold 0.7 Vdc
Unbalanced input detector
Gain adjustment for
balanced or unbalanced
signal input
+5dB (balanced)
+12dB (unbalanced)
Pad gain -5dB
1 Vrms (balanced)
0.5 Vrms (unbalanced)
2 Vrms (balanced input)
2 Vrms (unbalanced input)
Gain: 0 dB
2 Vrms
Gain: -14 dB
Limiter Threshold: 0.6V peak
0.4 Vrms
(0.564 V peak
1 Vrms
Gain: -5dB