1 695 108 075
Robert Bosch GmbH
User information | TCE 60 | 17
User information
General provision
This instruction is essential part for products. You must
carefully read the warnings and instructions included
in manual before use and also provide important
information regarding safe usE and maintenance.
Properly keep this manual for the reference in the
Careful reading the manual to make the operator to use
the machine correctly, the dealer will provide long-term
and effective after-sales services. The manufancturer
and dealers will not be responsible for the problems
caused by any incorrect operation.
Before tyre chanbger connect the power supply and
air supply, please carefully read the manual. Keep the
operation notes and warning notes on the manual and
machine. The related information and data in the sales
process should be carefully kept. Different machine
will be equipped with different instruction manual. The
operators should pay attention to the effectiveness of
the manual.
You must use the machine in accordance with
the requirements specified in the manual.
The manufacturer and dealers won’t be
responsible for the problems caused by any
incorrect operations.
The machine must be operated by the
professional personnel. The operator must be
fully understand the manual and received the
professional training. If the nonprofessional
personnel operate the machine, which
mabybe cause the personal dangerous and
also lead to the damage to the tire and rim.
The pictures in the manual all comes from the
original design structure of the machine. The
structure shown may be different from the actual
structure of the machine.
The machine is made for the purpose to give
guidance to the personnel with some basis of
mechanical and electrical skills. Therefore, the
basic processes such as how to fix the bolts may be
omitted. Do not try to letting the personnel without
experience operate the machine. If you have any
requirement related to this, please ask the dealer to
provide the help.
This machine can only be operated by the authorized
personnel who have received special training.
The manufacturer will not bear any responsibility
to any direct or indirect damage arising from the
modification to the machine without the permission
of the manufacturer.
When the machine is delivered out of the factory,
which is equipped with the complete instruction
manual and warning signs. If they are damaged
or ruined for some reasons, please ask the
manufacturer to change.
The machine should be kept away from the
inflammable and explosive materials. It should also
be kept from sun and glare. The place to place the
machine should be good ventilation.
Make sure to use the original parts and accessories.
The machine should be installed by the authorized
personnel as per the manual.
During operation, you should pay attention whether
there is any danger. Once you find the danger, stop
the machine at once and contact the dealers.
When the machine is running, the unauthorized
personnel should be kept away from the machine.
The operator should wear the protective equipments
such as gloves, goggle and overalls to prevent the
accidental injury.
Unauthorized operator should be kept away
while the machine operated.
Non-compliance to the operation requirement or
the warning requirements related to the danger
specified in the manual will cause the injuries to the
operators or personnel nearby. Before connect the
machine to the power supply, please carefully read
the manual and warning notes. The machine must be
operated by the profession personnel. The operator
must have received special training and understood
the requirement in the manual. He or she should
also understand related safety requirement and
detailed requirement in the process of operation.
The operator must not operate the machine after
The operator must pay attention to:
Understand all the requirements specified in the
Understand the function of the machine;
Unauthorized personnel should be kept from the