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Safety and Copyright

Federal Communication Commission (FCC)

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
rules. Operation is subject to the following two

1. This device may not cause harmful interfer-

ence, and

2. This device must accept any interference re-

ceived, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.


TORX® is a trademark of Textron Inc.

Industry Canada (IC) Statement

This device complies with Industry Canada Li-
cense-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is
subject to the following two conditions:

1. This device may not cause interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference, in-

cluding interference that may cause un-
desired operation of the device.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'In-
dustrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio-
exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée
aux deux conditions suivantes:

1. l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage,


2. l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout

brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d'en compro-
mettre le fonctionnement.

Short information

The SE88 is an asset transmitter designed to
work with the Security Escort system. When ini-
tiated, a signal identifying the asset and location
is sent to the security office at regular intervals.
SE88 can be tested within sight of a receiver or


The Security Escort system is not a
substitute for safe behavior. System
users should not take personal risks un-
der the misconception the system
provides protection that compensates
for taking such risks.


The overview specifications of the transmitter
are as follows:


Provides a supervisory transmis-
sion to the Security Escort System
every 90 seconds


Lithium coin cell battery. Duracell
DL2032, Eveready CR2032,
Panasonic CR2032


0° C to +60° C
(-32° F to +140° F)

(W x H x D)

31 mm x 54 mm x 7.5mm
(1.22 in x 2.12 in x 0.3 in)

Tab. 1: Specifications

Fig. 1: SE88 Asset Transmitter Parts

1 Enclosure

2 Test Button

3 Screw

4 Slide Cover

Testing the Transmitter

Test the transmitter weekly. To verify transmit-
ter operation:

1. You must be in sight of a Security Escort

Siren/Strobe or a Security Escort Receiver.
Receivers are located inside buildings usually
within sight of an exit door. They are moun-
ted on walls in light beige, rectangular en-
closures. Siren/strobe is typically mounted
on outside building walls and on light poles.

2. Press the Test button on your transmitter for

about 1 second and release it.

3. Look for a flashing strobe on a siren/strobe,

or a flashing green light on a receiver. These
indicators confirm that the entire system is
working. If you do not see the flashing light
or flashing strobe, the test was not success-


Before the flashing light appears, there
might be a brief delay of 2 or 3


For testing of the transmitter using
siren, the siren needs to be connected
to the strobe output (ST-) and not the
siren output (SI-) of the Alert Unit.
Please refer to the wiring in the EA120B
Alert Unit Installation Instructions

If there is no response, try the test again. If
there is no response the second time, your
transmitter may not be working. Take the trans-
mitter to the security office.

Installing/Changing Batteries

Assuming normal usage (such as weekly test-
ing), the battery life of SE88A-90S should be ap-
proximately 1 year.

If the battery is weak, a special signal is sent to
the security office during any test, alarm, or su-
pervisory transmission. Tests do not produce a
flashing light on a receiver or siren/strobe when
your transmitter has a weak battery.


This equipment can be damaged by
static electricity. Use a ground strap or
grounded workstation when changing

You need a TORX® T5 wrench to replace the bat-

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