MPH-02, MPB-02, MPD-02
Master Communication
With the
S-0-0128, C0200 Communication phase 4 transition check
command the following checks and initializations are carried out that can
possibly cause the listed command errors:
General system checks
C0212 Invalid control section data (->S-0-0022)
C0243 Brake check function not possible
C0244 Act. modulo value cycle greater than max. travel range
C0245 Operating mode configuration (->S-0-0022) not allowed
Checks during encoder initialization
C0220 Error when initializing position of encoder 1
C0221 Initialization velocity encoder 1 too high
C0224 Error when initializing position of encoder 2
C0225 Initialization velocity encoder 2 too high
C0227 Error when initializing position of encoder 3
C0228 Initialization velocity measuring encoder too high
C0257 No encoder assigned to slot 1
Initializing the optional additional functions (digital I/Os)
C0246 Trav. range lim. switch not ass. to dig. input
C0247 Dig. output already assigned to another axis
C0248 Dig. input assigned differently to axes
C0249 Dig. I/Os: bit number too large
C0250 Probe inputs incorrectly configured
Limit value check, interface configuration
C0201 Invalid parameters (->S-0-0022)
C0202 Parameter limit error (->S-0-0022)
C0203 Parameter calculation error (->S-0-0022)
C0242 Multiple configuration of a parameter (->S-0-0022)
Checking the master communication
C0251 Error during synchronization to master communication
C0258 Error in relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) to fine interpol.
Initialization of integrated safety technology
C0255 Safety command for system init. incorrect
C0256 Plausibility error of safety control words
Possibilities of Control/Additional Functions
Configurable Signal Control Word
Brief Description
The signal control word allows writing individual control bits, that are
available in different parameters, by a freely configurable collective
parameter. The configurable signal control word is used to accept a
maximum of 16 copies of bits from other drive parameters.
Communication Phase 4
Transition Check