Fuses and circuit-breakers are intended to protect the supply lines in a network.
The voltage supply lines of the IndraControl L10 must be protected by fuses.
The sensor supply and the actuator supply should each be protected by a sep‐
arate fuse. If the supply lines are shorter than 3 m and are placed such that
they are protected from ground faults and short-circuits, it is not necessary to
provide fuses.
Further criteria for the selection of protective devices are the following:
Nominal voltage
Internal fuse resistances
Inrush currents
Cable lengths
External impedance of the power supply system
Possible fault location
For additional information, please refer to:
Manual no. 32
VDE publications
Dimensioning and protecting lines and cables according to DIN 57 100, VDE
0100–430 and –523.
Appropriate information is also provided by many manufacturers of fuses and
Ground Connection
An optimum ground connection is required to keep possible interferences away
from the IndraControl L10 and the Rexroth Inline modules and to discharge
them to the ground.
The top-hat rail used for mounting the IndraControl L10 must be mounted to a
grounded metal carrier, e. g. the rear panel of the switch cabinet.
A functional earth ground is required to ensure optimum noise immunity. The
functional earth ground must be connected via a cable that should be as short
as possible or, better, via a grounding strip.
Recommended value:
Length: 1 m max.
Cross-section: 6 mm
Both the IndraControl L10 and the power and segment terminals are provided
with FE springs (metal clips) at their bottom side, which establish an electric
connection to the top-hat rail. To ensure a reliable ground connection even in
case of dirt or a damaged metal clip, the IndraControl L10 must be additionally
grounded via the FE terminal point, using a conductor with a cross-section of
at least 1.5 mm
The FE functional earth ground is intended to discharge disturbances. It is not
provided as a protection against electric shock for persons.
Starting at the IndraControl L10, the FE (functional earth ground) voltage jump‐
er is routed through all connected Rexroth Inline modules. This ensures that
these modules are grounded once the ground connection of the
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraControl L10
Electric Drives
and Controls
| Bosch Rexroth AG
Installation and Maintenance
Functional Earth Ground
Voltage Jumper