Hägglunds DUc Drive unit
| Installation
Bosch Rexroth AB, Version 06.2020, RE 15326-WA
7.12 Pipe work, internal
The Drive Unit should be placed as close to the hydraulic motor as possible, taking
other circumstances (e.g. space, environmental conditions ) into consideration.
The main connections of the main pump and the hydraulic motor must always be
fitted to the piping with hoses. We recommend to use shut off valves for the main
lines A and B. The protections on all parts must be kept on until final assembly to
avoid dirt in the system.
Storage of included components
The included components shall be stored according to
Handling of fittings
Inspect the sealing surfaces on the couplings visually before mounting. It must be
free from any damages. Handle the couplings with care. Check that the sealing (if
any) is in its right position, free from cracks and that it is saturated with oil.
The dirt protections on the fittings must be kept on until final assembly.
Flange fittings
The flange screws must be tightened crosswise.
Tube fittings, 24
cone, soft seal (DIN 3861, ISO 8434-4), European version
• Tighten the union nut with a wrench until there is a noticeable force increase.
Then tighten a further 30° final assembly route.
Use correct size of tool, to avoid fitting to be damaged and difficult to remove.
Tube fittings, JIC type, 37
flare (SAE J514, ISO 8434-2)
American version
Tighten the fitting nut with wrench until it stops. Tighten additional 1/4 turn to
1/2 turn.
Use correct size of tool, to avoid fitting to be damaged and difficult to remove.
The pipes and hoses should be pre cleaned, inspected and sealed by the supplier.
If the pipes are field bent and installed the overall system must be carefully oil
flushed to reach the required cleanliness level.
Mounting of hoses
Ensure that hoses not are stressed or twisted on installation, to avoid premature
failure. Bend radius should conform to manufacturers recommendations.