Installation - Accessories
Bosch Security Systems
Seismic Detectors Application Guide
GMSW7 SensTool software is an
part of configuration, commissioning, diagnos-
tics, and fault finding for the ISN-SM-50, ISN-SM-80 & ISN-SM-90 detectors.
A laptop with a serial port or a serial to USB conversion interface will be required to use this pro-
GMXC2 conduit connection cover
Figure 4-20: GMXC2 conduit connection cover
The GMXC2 is a plastic shroud, which provides a professional method of connecting cable conduit
to a seismic detector. The cable access apron of the detector needs to have sections removed to
enable the GMXC2 to slide into the apron.
Conduit external diameter = 16mm, proprietary reducers are available for larger diameter
GMXC4 seismic test tool
Table 4-2: GMXC4 seismic test tool
The GMXC4 (available July 2016) is a battery operated, hand held test tool for the verification of
the seismic detectors. The GMXC4 is an essential part of the commissioning procedure, customer
demonstrations and handovers. The tool works on both steel and concrete surfaces.
Operation of the test button starts a series of signals that are detected as an integration alarm by
the detector under test.
Place the test tool adjacent to the detector under test and press the test button. The detector
should respond with an alarm condition within 10 seconds.
Adjacent = within 25mm of the detector, placed upon a clean surface (no paint, grease or other for-
eign bodies to impair the signal). If the surface is painted, then the tool must be placed upon the
GMXP0, if installed.