Preparing to measure your blood pressure
Do not attach the cuff over wounds as
this can cause further injuries.
Ensure that the cuff is not attached to
an arm where arteries or veins are under-
going or have undergone medical treat-
ment (e.g. shunt).
For women who have had a breast
amputated, do not attach the cuff to the
arm on the amputated side of the body.
Other medical devices being used on
the same arm at the same time may mal-
function during measurement.
The cuff must not be too tight. There
should be enough space to fit roughly two
fingers between arm and cuff.
The metal ring should
lie over
the artery (see illustration 3) as this may
produce a false reading.
Grasp the end of the cuff that feeds
though the metal ring and wrap it
around the outside of your arm. Attach
the Velcro fastener by applying gentle
2-3 cm
Illustration 3
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