Code Change Instructions
The code can be changed with the unit fitted on/off the gate. The unit is non sequential, therefore if the code is set to
1234, the keypad will open if entered 4321, 3214 etc..There are over 500 different code combinations available.
The code should be changed with the door in the open position.
To change the code you will need to know what the keypad code is currently set to.
Using the hex key
(Part No.7)
remove the shroud around the top of the keypad to reveal the
button underneath.
. Enter existing code
. Press and hold the
button and press the ‘
’ button - this will clear the old code.
. Still holding down the
button, press the digits that are to be in the new code. Once the new code has been
entered, press all the digits in the code once again to ensure that all the digits in the code are set.
. Release the
. Press ‘C’ button or rotate the knob to set the new code.
. The new code is now set and ready for use. Check that the code is working 5 times and that it is withdrawing the
latchbolt before closing the gate and refitting the shroud around the top of the keypad.
Please note: If a new code has been set and it does not work, the ‘C’ button has not been pressed when
clearing the old code and before inputting the new code; therefore the code will be a combination of the new
and old code i.e. if the old code was 1234 and the new code is 6789 the code actually set if 1234-6789. Input
both the old and new code and follow the code change from step 3. If the code has been changed and the
keypad knob is free turning, the new code has not been set. Follow the code change from step 3.