Attach Baseboards for 10-20 Ft Hoop
House (Optional for 6ft)
For baseboards we use 1" x 8" x 8' white-wood ledger
boards. This will be in contact with the grounds so
some people like to use pressure treated wood here.
You could, however, but we don't because of the
harsh chemicals that are used to treat the wood.
Pressure treated wood contains chromium, copper,
and arsenic. Government studies have shown that
these chemicals can leach from the wood into your
soil. We don't want this anywhere near our food. You
might consider cedar boards which are naturally
water resistant.
For the first baseboard we cut off the first 1 foot so that
a board doesn't end on a ground post. Line up the
cut board with the front of the first ground post.
Clamp the board to the post and use your 1/4" drill bit
and drill through the wood by going through your
previously drilled hole in the ground post. Insert a 4" x
¼" Carriage Bolt & tighten with a washer & nut on the
outside as pictured.