Try these if you have trouble in using the monitor. Call for Service if you can't solve the problem
even after you tried these solutions.
Power isn't turned on
Check Connectivity of Power Cable between Outlet and the Monitor.
Press and Hold Power button for more than one second.
Try with Other Monitor or Electric Device using the same Power Cable.
Screen is Black and All Button Lights are
in startup process
Reconnect the Power and Restart the Monitor.
(Call for Service if the Symptom appeared more than 3 times)
Screen is Black on Startup and there's
neither BON Logo nor "No Signal" Display,
but Buttons are Working
Reconnect the Power and Restart the Monitor.
(Call for Service if the Symptom appeared more than 3 times)
There's a delay in BON Logo Display on
It is normal and No Reaction Required.
BON Logo appeared on Startup, but No
Screen Output when Input Signal
Remove Input Cable and Check if "No Signal" appears on Screen.
- restart the Monitor if you can't see "No Signal"
- Make Monitor "Factory Default" and Try again and Try again
- Check the Cable Connectivity
- Try with Different Cable
- Check the Input Format and Frequency
- Try with Different Input Device. If successful, the Failed Input Device may
Generate Non-Standard Signal (Please Inform Us its Model Name).
"No Signal" appears on the Screen
Check the Input Selection.
Make Monitor "Factory Default" and Try again.
Try with Different Input Cable.
Check the Cable Connection.
Check if the Input Format and Frequency is Supported.
Try with Different Input Device. If successful, the Failed Input Device may
Generate Non-Standard Signal (Please Inform Us its Model Name).