Wi-Fi Doorbell Camera
Frequently Asked Questions:
For more information or technical support, please call (909) 305-8889 or log on to www.bolideco.com
468 S San Dimas Avenue, San Dimas, CA 91773 | Tel: (909) 305-8889 | Fax: (909) 305-0999
3: Follow the step by step instructions to adding a device,
A: Yes, it requires internet connectivity to connect and send
push notifications to your mobile device. Connecting ensu-
res that your camera can reach your mobile device whether
you are at home or away. You can choose from the
You will receive a pop up notification stating
“someone rang doorbell “. Once you click on it you will see
Call In:
you will receive a call, once you answer you will see
A: You can set it to record automatically when the motion
(PIR) sensor detects a moving object, or you can record
manually from the Ubell app. All recording files are saved at
A: It has rechargeable batteries that can last up to 6 months
when fully charged depending on the level of use and
Q: How does it connect to internet?
Q: Does the camera have remote capabilities?
1: Power up the camera
2: Install the Ubell app on your mobile device.
following notification options:
Q: How does it record and where are files stored?
the local SD card.
Q: How long can my camera run on its internal battery?
a live video stream with 2 way audio.
a live video stream with 2 way audio.
the whole process takes less than 2 minutes.
operating environment. You can check the battery level in-
dicator on your Ubell App at any time.
A: Via Wi-FI, with the following three steps: