Connecting Panel
The panel connections shall be in accordance with the electric diagram provided in
Figure 2.2.
Figure 2.2 Connection Electric Diagram
To connect the Signal-20M to the RS-485 interface line (if needed):
contacts ‘A’ and ‘B’ are connected respectively to lines A and B of the RS-485 interface;
connect the ‘0V’ circuit of the panel to a similar circuit of the previous and subsequent
devices in the RS-485 trunk (if the devices are connected to the same power source, this is not
if the panel is not the last or first in the interface line, remove the XP4 jumper (‘jumper’) on
the panel board. The jumper is located in the immediate vicinity of pins ‘A’ and ‘B’ and
connects the 620 Ω EOL resistor to the interface circuit.
When installing the RS-485 interface wire, it is recommended to comply the
configuration (chain connection). If for any reason it is required to make a branch of a considerable length
(more than 50 m) from the common RS-485 trunk (for example, to reduce the cable length), it is
recommended to install an “S2000-PI” interface repeater at the branch point. The number of repeaters on
one RS-485 segment (number of branches) is no more than 10. The number of S2000-PI repeaters
connected in series (the number of segments) is not limited.
Fire, intrusion and auxiliary input-circuits (initiating devices) are connected in
accordance with diagrams shown in Figure 2.3: