Speaker Layout
The layout of the speakers should be planned prior to installation.
Because wall baffle speakers are designed to project forward, it is best to
aim them in the same direction as this provides for both greater coverage
and clarity. You can use the building’s roof pillars or other available sup-
ports for mounting the wall baffles.
In some cases, it may be necessary to mount the wall baffles on oppos-
ing walls. In these cases, the speakers will project sound in opposing
Figure 1
HALLWAY - Wall baffle speakers work well with rooms and hallways that
are 20’ to 60’ wide. Layout starts at one end of the hallway or room. The
first speaker should be installed 10’ from the end of the hallway or room.
The next speaker on that wall should be installed 20’ from the first speak-
er. Each additional speaker should be installed 20’ apart from the previ-
ous one. The first speaker on the opposing wall should be installed 20’
from the end of the hallway or room, thereby staggering the speakers.
Each additional speaker should be installed 20’ apart from the previous
one (see Figure 1).