observe the “
” in the display alternating every few seconds with the number: (“amp-hours from full”).
If not,
this step until this happens.
Next go to the program mode (in the usual way) as follows: Hold "
" down--then
(quickly!!!) push "
" then release both. Now you should observe a number in the display, and the 3 lights (volts,
amps, batt %full) should be simultaneously flashing. If not push the “
” button to start from step 1 again.
the desired "battery capacity" value using the
button. You can enter a number from 10 to 2550 amp hours. Start
by entering a value that is 50-75% of your actual battery capacity. Note that while showing the data,
if the decimal point
is flashing,
that means multiply the number by 1000. For example, 1.20 with flashing decimal point means 1200 amp-hours.
When you are finished push the “
” button again to revert to the display mode.
Read the one-page summary of TriMetric operation (page 12 of
Note that "Battery % Full" or "amp-hours from full" will not be correct until the system is fully
charged at least once.
To understand these in more detail, read section D6 in the instructions.
The factory default setting
on your meter has been set so that all three functions which would illuminate the "battery reminder" light are selected
To activate them, read sections C 5, C6 & C8 of instructions.
(D) Afterwards
Read the instruction manual to become more familiar with the TriMetric. Review section C to
check and "fine tune" the programmed data which is entered. You may also want to read "
Using the TriMetric (or other
battery system monitor) to maintain your battery system, conserve energy and troubleshoot system problems.
", written
for persons with less technical background. It is available free on the internet at "www.bogartengineering.com" or by
calling or writing Bogart Engineering.
Quick description of what the main numbers mean:
tells how fast energy is being put in or removed from the batteries: useful for conservation
awareness, and checking charging systems. The "minus" sign, when lighted indicates discharging. When
the minus sign is not lighted (and the "charging" lamp is lighted) indicates "charging". Turning on and off an
electrical load will tell you how much current draw the load takes by comparing the difference. Turning on
or off a charging source will tell you how fast it's charging.
tells how full the battery is
based on the number programmed in (B) Step5,
This number is not valid until the first time the batteries are charged fully
Also, it will not
be meaningful if the "charged" parameters are not programmed correctly
(see section C1,
instructions.) After the batteries are charged the first time causing the "charged parameters" to be attained
" indicates a full battery. After discharging energy from the batteries for awhile, the number will
, etc. to show about how much battery energy is available. When the number becomes less
, the display will say “
”—which indicates that the batteries are getting low on energy and
should be recharged. To make this display read out in 1% increments instead of 5%, see section C3 of
instructions. For other information, see sections D6 and C1, of instructions.
For a more detailed explanation of how “Battery % full” is measured
refer to section D6 in the
instructions. This is useful for users wishing to optimize this function.
gives an approximation of how charged the batteries are, especially at the extremes of fully
charged, and almost empty. It is an important diagnostic tool for checking charging systems and
troubleshooting problems.
19020 Two Bar Road, Boulder Creek CA 95006 USA---Tel. (831) 338-0616