After exercising for a period of time, keep holding on the hand grips or wearing chest strap and
press the
“RECOVERY” button. All functions displaying on LCD will stop, except “TIME” will start
counting down from 00:60 to 00:00 (Drawing 22). LCD will display
user’s heart rate recovery
status with F1,
F2….to F6 (Drawing 23). F1 is the best and F6 is the worst. User is suggested to
keep exercising continuously to improve the heart rate recovery status from F6 to F1. Press the
RECOVERY button again to return to the main menu.
Drawing 22 Drawing 23
You may test and have the BODY FAT advice when the computer is in STOP mode. Please follow
the steps as below:
1. Press BODY FAT button, and hold on hand grip to start body fat testing (Drawing 24).
2. The symbol "- - - - - - - - " (Drawing 25, 26) will display while testing period in 8 seconds. After 8
seconds, you will see the BODY FAT advice in percentage (Drawing 27) and BMI (Drawing 28)
and the fat advice in different symbol.
3. It would be possible to display other indication if you have the following situation:
"E-1" - It means you did not put your thumb properly on the conductor (Drawing 29).
"E-4" - It means the BODY FAT advice is exceeded the available area which is fixed in the
After BODY FAT testing, press BODY FAT button to have the computer back to working continues
from the previous data before testing. The BODY FAT advice figure and BMI will disappear.
Drawing 24 Drawing 25
Drawing 26 Drawing 27