For the most accurate blood pressure measurement:
• Patient should be positioned in the following manner:
1) Seated comfortably
2) Legs uncrossed
3) Feet flat on the floor
4) Back and arm supported
5) Middle of the cuff at the level of heart
• Patient should remain still and keep quiet during
• Patient should relax as much as possible and not talk during the measurement process.
• Patient should measure his or her blood pressure at about the same time every day.
• Patient should not measure right after physical exercise or a bath. A rest for twenty or
thirty minutes before taking the measurement is recommended.
• Readings could be affected by the following conditions: Within an hour after dinner; after
ingesting wine, coffee, or red tea; after sports or physical activity; after bathing; after
talking excessively or anxious behavior; after moving around, including bending forward;
if room temperature drastically changes before or after measurement; after riding in a
moving vehicle; or after a long period of continuous movement.
1. Attach the arm cuff to your upper arm as previously discussed in "Attaching the Arm Cuff."
2. Press the "ON/OFF" button, and all icons will appear within two seconds on the screen.
After, switch to measurement and make sure "0" is displayed (or last measurement
3. When you start the measurement ,the cuff in the strap will automatically inflate. The mark
( ) will flash on LCD screen. When the measurement is completed, the LCD screen will
display measurement results.
How to Take Proper Measurements
How to Measure Blood Pressure