P090GUI002.4 EN
Quick Start Guide
Activity monitoring device and Temperature indication
First use, basic instructions
Before the first use of your system, you have to perform a set of operations.
1 Installation of eTact Watcher (software)
You must install your software (eTact watcher) before using your system. It is the essential tool to set-
up your system. To install the eTact Watcher
software, please execute "eTact_Watcher” that is stored
on the USB stick delivered within the starter kit.
System requirements:
1GHz Processor.
500Mo of system RAM
200Mo of hard disk space available.
Microsoft Windows® 7 OS or newer (32 or 64 bits) / Mac OS X (min 10.9 Lion).
Minimum graphic resolution 1027x768 pixels
2 set-up
Activate eTACT:
eTact is set in deep sleep mode as a default factory setting. To get the device active,
you simply need to connect the cable on the tag and connect it to a USB plug or to a computer USB
port. The blinking LEDs indicates the tag is active.
Battery charging:
It is recommended to fully charge the battery for the first use. Keep the tag
connected with the dedicated cable to a USB plug or a USB computer port for about 2 hours.
Setting the parameters:
First, connect the tag to a computer after the eTact Watcher application has
been installed. Run the application and select the “Configuration” icon.
Please proceed with the configuration setting to choose the measurement parameters.
Picture 2 :
Main Menu of the eTact Watcher software
3 Data collection
After you left the eTact Watcher configuration window, eTact is working.
Only “Memory” mode is
described in this manual.
You can follow your actimetry and temperature indication values, all the raw data will be stored in a
CSV file.