B e f o r e Y o u
B e g i n
T h a n k you fo r p u rch a sin g th e G PA-3. T h is gym is pa rt o f th e B o d y-S o lid line o f q u a lity stre n g th train in g
m ach in es, w h ic h let you ta rg e t s p e c ific m uscle g ro u p s to a c h ie v e b e tte r m uscle to n e and ove rall body
c o n d itio n in g . To m a x im iz e y o u r use o f the e q u ip m e n t p lea se s tu d y th is O w n e r's M anual thoroughly.
U n p a c k in g th e E q u ip m e n t
The GPA-3 is carefully tested and inspected before
shipment. We have shipped the unit in several pieces
tha t require assembly. A sk fo r assistance during the
assem bly process. Carefully unpack the boxes and lay
the pieces on the floor near the area where you plan to
use the equipment.
Be careful to assemble all components in the
sequence presented in this guide.
If any item s are missing, contact the dealer from whom
you purchased the unit or call 1-800-556-3113 fo r the
dealer nearest you.
Body-Solid continually seeks ways to improve the performance, specifications and product manuals in order to ensure that only
superior products are released from our factories. Please take the time to carefully read through this manual thoroughly. Instructions
contained in this document are not intended to cover all details or variations possible with Body-Solid equipment, or to cover every
contingency that may be met in conjunction with installation, operation, maintenance or troubleshooting of the equipment. Even
though we have prepared this manual with extreme care, neither the publisher nor the author can accept responsibility for any errors
in, or omission from, the information given. Should additional information be required, or should situations arise that are not covered
by this manual, the matter should be directed to your local Body-Solid representative, or the Service Department at Body-Solid Inc.
in Forest Park, Illinois.
Any Questions?
Call (800) 556-3113
Содержание GPA-3
Страница 7: ...Above shows Step 1 assembled and соmpleted ...
Страница 9: ...9 ...
Страница 12: ...E X P L O D E D V I E W D lA G R A M G P A 3 12 ...