Form No. 712-69 Multi Language (Revised 8/09) © 2009 Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.
Electrical Connection (cont.)
Check Dryer Operation
Replace Cover
Page 3
1. Fit cover over mounting base.
Four sides of cover overlap the
mounting base and should be flush with
the sides, top and bottom of the mount-
ing base.
2. Replace and tighten two screws,
on the bottom to secure cover to
mounting base.
1. Turn electrical power supply on.
2. Position hands under air-outlet, within 4'' (100mm) of the bottom of the dryer.
3. Dryer should turn on. Warm air should blow from air-outlet. Drying time less than 25 seconds.
4. Remove hands from under air-outlet and dryer should stop (within 2 seconds).
WarnInG: 1. Turn eLecTrIcaL suPPLy off Before doInG any maInTenance or serVIce To dryer.
2. cerTaIn InTernaL ParTs are InTenTIonaLLy noT Grounded and may PresenT a rIsK of eLecTrIc
sHocK onLy durInG serVIcInG. serVIce PersonneL - do noT conTacT THe foLLoWInG ParTs WHILe THe
aPPLaInce Is enerGIsed: - moTor LamInaTIons.
3. dryer musT noT Be oPeraTed unLess coVer Is In PLace.
1. Exterior of cover should be cleaned with a damp cloth to remove dust and surface dirt. Do not use abrasive agents or solvents as they may
permanently damage surface of cover.
2. At least once every 6 months remove cover. Using a small brush or vacuum, clean out build up of dust and lint from air inlet/outlet grille, interior of
cover and around motor/fan housing.
If dryer is installed where there is a lot of dust and dirt in the air, the interior of the dryer should be cleaned out more frequently.
LImITed WarranTy
Installation date: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
serial no(s).: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Installation address:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone no.: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Bobrick B-7120 and B-7128 Dryer of the serial number(s) indicated herein, and all parts are warranted to the original owner of the installed unit for ten years
from date of original purchase against defects in factory workmanship or material under normal use and service
This warranty is limited to repair or exchange of defective parts at the option of Bobrick.
THIs WarranTy does noT coVer accIdenTaL damaGe, ImProPer HandLInG or InsTaLLaTIon, or rePaIrs made By unauTHorIZed
Per sons, and sPecIfIcaLLy eXcLudes cLaIms for IndIrecT, accI denTaL or conseQuenTIaL damaGes To ProPerTy. THe ImPLIed
WarranTIes of mercHanTaBILITy and fITness for a ParTIcuLar PurPose are LImITed To THe same duraTIon of THe aBoVe War-
Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Some states do not allow
limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have
other rights which vary from state to state.
normal service constitutes performing the following preventive maintenance procedure: clean any lint, dust or grease from air-inlet and air-outlet grilles.
Labor costs for preventive maintenance shall be at owner's expense.
For repair or exchange of defective part, send the part together with installation date and serial number to BOBRICK.
3. Wiring Instructions:
a) A fused means for disconnection in all poles must be provided in the fixed wiring in accordance with the wiring rules.
b) Trim insulation from end of electrical wire.
c) Remove screws in strain relief clamp. Lift clamping crossbar. Feed electrical wire through clamp.
d) Replace crossbar on strain relief clamp. Tighten screws securing electrical wire.
e) Make connection to terminal block as follows:
1) Connect the Live (Hot) wire to terminal marked L1 on terminal block.
2) Connect the Neutral wire to terminal marked L2 or N on terminal block
3) Connect Ground (Earth) wire to ground (earth) screw on baseplate marked