Retrofit kit No. 84 61 0 143 955
Installation Instructions No. 01 29 0 146 555
Issue date: 04.2002
TIS instruction No.
Conduct a brief test
Disconnect the negative pole of the battery
12 00 ...
The following components must be removed first of all:
Boot trim on the left
51 47 151
Rear seat bench
51 24 005
Rear seat backrest
51 24 010
Front left door sill trim
51 47 000
Rear left side trim
51 43 015
Front left seat
52 .. ...
B pillar trim at the bottom left
51 43 150
Glove box, left
51 16 350
Pedal trim
51 15 185
A pillar trim in the left footwell
51 43 070
A pillar trim on the left
51 43 201
Left sun visor
51 16 080
Interior light
63 31 000
Glove box with casing, right
51 16 366
Oddments box support
51 16 ...
Finishing strips, centre and right
51 10 221
Heating system control
64 11 748
65 11 030
Oddments box
51 16 200