Revised: 11/13
Created: 06/14
The adjustment of the screed for flatness will take several minutes. This should
be done prior to each use or for use in a crown or valley operation. Be certain
that the screed is adjusted properly and the jam nuts are tight before concrete
placement begins.
Once the length of screed you need is as-
sembled, place a 2"x4" under each end, or
set the screed onto the forms you are
Use a guide placed beneath the blades to
determine where adjustment is needed.
Begin adjusting the turnbuckles along the top
of the screed to align the screed with the
string. Adjust the screed from the outside
sections and work toward the center. Tighten
jam nuts. NOTE: This will probably take
several times to get a perfectly flat machine.
After adjustments are made tighten jam nut
securely so that vibration from the screed
does not loosen it allowing movement during
placing of concrete.
Fasten a string to the form and draw it as
tightly as possible about 1” off the back of
the screed. Make sure than the string is
not in contact with the screed, or any other
object that could cause a variance