www.BMDS.com 1-800-526-BMDS or 302-628-4100 for Support Questions
BMDS congratulates you on your purchase of the DAS-8006 Wireless Reader System. The DAS-8006
is our newest generation of wireless reader technology used with our READ-ONLY Implantable Micro-
Transponders the IMI-500 and IMI-1000.
The firmware described in this manual is copyrighted, with all rights reserved by Bio Medic Data Systems.
Under the United States copyright laws, the firmware described in the manual may not be copied,
photocopied, or otherwise reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Bio Medic
Data Systems. Any permitted copies must include the same proprietary and copyright notices as were
affixed to the original. Under these laws, copying includes translating to another language or format.
BMDS warrants our reader product to be free of defects in material and workmanship, under regular use
and service for 90 days from the date of delivery to the original purchaser. This is the sole warranty and
under no circumstances do we assume responsibility for consequential or incidental damages resulting
from the sale, use, handling, or installation of equipment.
All attempts have been made to provide you with a manual as comprehensive and factual as possible. However, we reserve
the right to make changes at any time and without notice in prices, colors, material, equipment, specifications, models, and
availability. Some of the information in the manual may have been updated since the time of publication; please check with
BMDS for complete details of any updates.
DAS-8006 Parts List
Wireless Com Module
Wireless Com Module
DC 12V Power Supply
Com Module Bracket
DC 12V Power Supply
USB Driver Disk
Charging Base
USB Driver Disk
DC 12V Power Supply
USB Driver Disk