06 /
RS-232 and Telnet Commands
The Blustream Multicast system can be controlled via serial and TCP/IP. The following pages list all available serial commands for
the Multicast solution.
Common Mistakes
• Carriage return – Some programs do not require the carriage return where as other will not work unless sent directly after the
string. In the case of some Terminal software the token <CR> is used to execute a carriage return. Depending on the program you are
using this token maybe different. Some other examples that other control systems deploy include \r or 0D (in hex).
• Spaces – Blustream commands do not require space between commands unless specified. There may be some programs that
require spacing in order to work.
- How the string should look is as follows OUT001FR002
- How the string may look if spaces are required: OUT{Space}001{Space}FR002
• Baudrate or other serial protocol settings not correct - please see below for Multicast settings
Pages 07-10 list the common API commands that will be required in a 3rd party control driver
For a full list of serial commands please see the 'HELP' feedback section at the rear of this document
Note: Max number of Transmitters (yyy) and Receivers (xxx) = 762 devices (001-762)
Receivers (outputs) = xxx
Transmitters (inputs) = yyy
Scaler output = rr
Edid input settings = zz
Baud rate = br
GPIO input/output ports = gg
Blustream ACM200 commands and feedback