Assembly position
3° in one direction
Normal position
3° in the other direction
3. Corners
To create corners there are a couple of corner elements, one for outward corners and one for
inward ones. Both have an angle of 30°, so three connected boxes make a 90° angle. Corner
boxes can easily be connected to straight boxes, and with one another, as they all share the
same coupling mechanism.
Outward corner boxes may be used to protect a single object, like a detached building. To sur-
round a rectangular area, 4 x 3 outward corner boxes for the corners can be combined
with an appropriate number of straight boxes for the sides.
Inserting corner boxes at appropriate positions in a boxwall makes it possible to let it pass
around different kinds of obstacles, turn in an intersection etc.
Inward corner boxes can also be used to build up temporary basins. 12 boxes are enough
to build a circular pool, a ”NOAQ Boxpool” (se separate user instructions). By combining the
corner boxes with a number of straight boxes a basin of any desired size can be deployed.
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