Blue Whale Spa Ltd, 11 Glaisdale Drive East
Nottingham, NG8 4GU
2. The Chemical Rinse
Use a filter cleaner spray. These are a degreasing agent and are quite effective
Generously spray down your hot tub filters and let them sit for about 15 minutes. Then, rinse them
down with clean water.
Spray the filters down with the cleaner and let them sit for about 15 minutes. This will allow the chemical to
sink and do its job.
Then with clean water, rinse the filter thoroughly until all the soapy substance is gone.
Note: Make sure you rinse the filters really well.
Filter cleaner sprays can cause a lot of foaming in your tub when you put the filters back in.
3. The Chemical Soak
Use a hot tub filter soak chemical; DO NOT USE HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS dilute the
chemical with water according to the directions on the bottle.
Make sure you use enough water to completely submerge one filter. If you have room, you can add
more filters to the solution.
Let the filter rest in the solution overnight or 24 hours.
After soaking, be sure to rinse the filters very thoroughly with clean water. Again, you don’t want
foamy hot tub water.
Rinse your hot tub filters with clean water every week.
Chemical rinse your filters using a standard filter cleaner every month.
Chemical soak your spas filters overnight every month
Some people buy two sets of filters to switch between the two sets. This is a good idea and will
extend the life of your filters.
If you have two sets of filters, leave one set to dry completely, while the other set of filters are working
in the tub
Remember! A clogged filter can prevent your tub from heating up and might even burn out your
circulation pump resulting in a costly repair because this is seen as a non warranty Issue!
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