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Site Planning
Verify that the excavated pool matches the Blue Square Certified Pool Plan.
Check the break, width, depth and designated step/bench locations. Blue
Square design dimensions are from
pool edge. They are not taken from
the excavation edge. Allowances will need to be made for the thickness of the
shell according to your pool companies specifications and local codes.
If any
aspects of the pool design change during the construction process, please
resubmit an updated plan with the changes for a new Factory Authorized Plan to
ensure proper cleaning and circulation. Failure to follow the FREE factory
authorized design and to ensure that the pool is built to the plan specifications
may void the warranty.
In order to save on plumbing costs, position the valve as close as possible to the
swimming pool or water feature. The valve should be at least five feet away from
the water’s edge. (Check the bonding codes in your area.) The low profile
design, the quiet and smooth operation of the Q360 Water Valve allows for the
valve to be inconspicuously hidden by an irrigation box or landscaping.
Although servicing the valve is very rare, the valve should be placed in a location
where it may be easily accessible.
Install the valve so that the lid and band clamp are above grade and the top of
the valve housing is 2-3” above the water level of the main body of water. If a
below water level installation is necessary, serviceable check valves or manual
valves on all of the inlet and outlet ports will be required to prevent flooding when
servicing the valve.
In order to reduce plumbing costs; layout the system so the feed pipes enter the
pool close to the center of the pool nearest the pool equipment. See Fig. A 1-1
& Fig. A -1-2
Fig. A 1-1